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Plans for a brass deflection screen?

john bickar
Chris Miceli
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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by Mike38 9/11/2017, 7:37 pm

Does anyone know where I can find plans to build a light weight very portable brass deflection screen? I need to make two of them. At a match yesterday, the guy on my left ejected into my chest, almost every shot. The guy to my right had a left handed 1911 that ejected about 1 out of 5 shots right into my face. I suppose I could cobble something together, but plans of something that has been proven to work would be nice. Nothing against these shooters! I'm actually kind of laughing about it as I type this. It wasn't fun at the time, but looking back, I find it humorous.

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by Chris Miceli 9/11/2017, 8:01 pm

I got mine from Wes Fleming, i think it was like 10$ and he gives the money to the junior program. It fits behind the pistol tray in the gu ho box.  

Its heavy duty chicken wire with all the edges rounded.

Chris Miceli

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by john bickar 9/11/2017, 9:31 pm

  • 1/4x1/4" screen
  • tin snips
  • duct tape
john bickar
john bickar

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by 10sandxs 9/11/2017, 11:19 pm

I'd like to know where the left hand eject came from... I'm left handed, and it would a great "give back" to those that don't use brass catchers...


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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by dronning 9/11/2017, 11:22 pm

john bickar wrote:

  • 1/4x1/4" screen
  • tin snips
  • duct tape

+1 and make it so it fits in your gun box mine is 17x15 could have been bigger but didn't need to be.
- Dave

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by john bickar 9/12/2017, 12:17 am

dronning wrote:
john bickar wrote:

  • 1/4x1/4" screen
  • tin snips
  • duct tape

+1 and make it so it fits in your gun box mine is 17x15 could have been bigger but didn't need to be.
- Dave

I staple mine to the side of my gunbox.

A pretty critical piece of equipment, IMO.
john bickar
john bickar

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by james r chapman 9/12/2017, 5:41 am

I'm thinking of another brass catcher so I can collect twice as much brass.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by BE Mike 9/12/2017, 9:21 am

No need to overthink it. Just get some 1/4" "hardware cloth". Trim it to the appropriate size and figure out a good way to attach it to your gun box lid.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

Post by Skid 9/12/2017, 10:05 am

I use a clamp that I got from the hardware store


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Plans for a brass deflection screen? Empty Re: Plans for a brass deflection screen?

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