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Bridge mounts, 1911

Jon Eulette
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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by hipirn2 9/18/2017, 9:14 am

I have always used slide mounts on my 1911 type bullseye guns, and at one point used only the Gil Hebard supplied Burris scopes which had a dot reticle, the problem I encountered was the heavy scopes would cause mount and screw failures so I quit using them. The bridge mounts of friends guns were cumbersome so I never tried them. However now I would like to give them another look and don't know what should be chosen or is available? What say you? Phil


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 9/18/2017, 9:19 am

I'm partial to Weigand scope mounts.

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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Chris Miceli 9/18/2017, 9:31 am

Sams mount, the frame mount kc has used, and the double alpha (aimpoint only)

Chris Miceli

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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by zanemoseley 9/18/2017, 1:00 pm

Better save your pennies for the Sam's mount, it looks awesome but is nearly $500 plus refinishing fees.


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by dronning 9/18/2017, 2:16 pm

I have 1 slide mount 1911 and 4 frame mounts, I just prefer frame mounts. 1 is on a Les Baer another is a Les Baer mount on a Colt but my favorite by a mile are the 2 Red Buff frame mounts on guns that KC built for me.  The Red Buff puts the scope just above the slide.

Since KC indicated he didn't have any more Red Buff mounts I would do the Double Alpha mount with an H1.

If I was to do a slide mount I'd opt for KC's H1 slide cut, almost zero weight added to the slide after you factor in the cut.
- Dave

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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Boxturtle 9/18/2017, 6:52 pm

STEVE SAMELAK wrote:I'm partial to Weigand scope mounts.

According to the jackweigand web site:

*Installation of this scope mount requires drilling and tapping of frame.
It also requires removing material from the front of the slide stop.
Rounding the slide stop off even with the cross pin.

If the mount is removed, would the external modifications preclude using the pistol as a service pistol in leg matches?


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by hipirn2 9/18/2017, 8:36 pm

Thanks for the replies. The speed shooters at one time were using some really light carbon fiber mounts but I haven't checked on that lately, but I don't see those working with a heavier scope type sight.  By the way is anyone using one of the new minimum size/weight red dots for bullseye? I've not seen any on the line, I believe the adjustment mechanisms have been improved to better their use for quick changes but don't know the down side.  Most of the guys especially in the lower classes just don't spend big bucks on sights and such which would probably prohibit wide spread adoption?  Phil McC


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 9/18/2017, 8:52 pm

Boxturtle wrote:
STEVE SAMELAK wrote:I'm partial to Weigand scope mounts.

According to the jackweigand web site:

*Installation of this scope mount requires drilling and tapping of frame.
It also requires removing material from the front of the slide stop.
Rounding the slide stop off even with the cross pin.

If the mount is removed, would the external modifications preclude using the pistol as a service pistol in leg matches?

I'm not sure about the reshaping of the slide stop...you'd have to look really close to notice it.
As far as the holes...I BELIEVE there's a note in the rules about allowing the drilled & tapped holes.
On the flip side they seem to be allowing just about anything in the door to get numbers up.

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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Jon Eulette 9/18/2017, 9:53 pm

Weigand mount does require recontouring front of the slide stop pin.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by mpolans 9/20/2017, 12:28 am

Or you could just "re-contour" the edge of the mount where it interferes with the slide stop, if you're worried about using the same gun in leg matches.


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Deerspy 9/20/2017, 7:40 pm

Bridge mounts, 1911 Mc_ope10

heres one I put on a MC operator I moved it forward a little and did not have to rework the slide stop pin.


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Froneck 9/21/2017, 9:47 am

This topic has been talked about for a long time. Those that like slide mount will not agree with frame mount and the opposite is true for the other way. However the group that has no dollar limit, will do what ever is best for accuracy and the like of the shooter is the AMU. They started with Frame mounts and changed to Slide mount. Henderson at one time had Frame mount but now recommends slide mount. My son Adam also likes slide mount. However the gun built for him to shoot NRA Action Open Class (Bianchi type matches) is frame mount. He sent me a photo and I suspect it's frame mount due to weight. I think it is a 1911 9mm with scope mount that will compensate for the speed of the moving target. BTW he just won the Steam Boat Challenge in open class with it. I haven't talked to him since he sent the photo.
 The one fact that can't be overlooked is that most of the top Bullseye shooters are using Slide Mount. Most say they like it because recoil feels a lot less.
 Soon I will determine which is best for accuracy, I have all the stuff needed to build a barrel testing device. I'm building it to be extremity accurate and reliable. I'm adding a feature that will hold the entire 1911 so after barrels are tested I have something much better than a Ransom Rest.


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Chris Miceli 9/21/2017, 9:56 am

Froneck wrote:This topic has been talked about for a long time. Those that like slide mount will not agree with frame mount and the opposite is true for the other way. However the group that has no dollar limit, will do what ever is best for accuracy and the like of the shooter is the AMU. They started with Frame mounts and changed to Slide mount. Henderson at one time had Frame mount but now recommends slide mount. My son Adam also likes slide mount. However the gun built for him to shoot NRA Action Open Class (Bianchi type matches) is frame mount. He sent me a photo and I suspect it's frame mount due to weight. I think it is a 1911 9mm with scope mount that will compensate for the speed of the moving target. BTW he just won the Steam Boat Challenge in open class with it. I haven't talked to him since he sent the photo.
 The one fact that can't be overlooked is that most of the top Bullseye shooters are using Slide Mount. Most say they like it because recoil feels a lot less.
 Soon I will determine which is best for accuracy, I have all the stuff needed to build a barrel testing device. I'm building it to be extremity accurate and reliable. I'm adding a feature that will hold the entire 1911 so after barrels are tested I have something much better than a Ransom Rest.
the Frank Rest

Chris Miceli

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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by LenV 9/21/2017, 8:33 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:
Froneck wrote:This topic has been talked about for a long time. Those that like slide mount will not agree with frame mount and the opposite is true for the other way. However the group that has no dollar limit, will do what ever is best for accuracy and the like of the shooter is the AMU. They started with Frame mounts and changed to Slide mount. Henderson at one time had Frame mount but now recommends slide mount. My son Adam also likes slide mount. However the gun built for him to shoot NRA Action Open Class (Bianchi type matches) is frame mount. He sent me a photo and I suspect it's frame mount due to weight. I think it is a 1911 9mm with scope mount that will compensate for the speed of the moving target. BTW he just won the Steam Boat Challenge in open class with it. I haven't talked to him since he sent the photo.
 The one fact that can't be overlooked is that most of the top Bullseye shooters are using Slide Mount. Most say they like it because recoil feels a lot less.
 Soon I will determine which is best for accuracy, I have all the stuff needed to build a barrel testing device. I'm building it to be extremity accurate and reliable. I'm adding a feature that will hold the entire 1911 so after barrels are tested I have something much better than a Ransom Rest.
the Frank Rest
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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by HogCommander 9/21/2017, 9:10 pm

I would be very interested in anything you're willing to share about your barrel tester/rest.  Sketches, photos, design features, measurements, etc...whatever you're amenable to sharing.  Thanks!


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Froneck 9/22/2017, 2:01 pm

Will do! When it's done I'll post photos and information to anyone interested.


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by hipirn2 9/25/2017, 8:41 am

My initial interest in slide mounts was on the account of using heavy Burris scopes that battered slide mounted mounts, If I may expand a bit would like to hear from anyone still using telescopic sights and how they mount them. I shoot with a guy that was using a grip mount until it broke, I think he's going to a bridge mount. Phil McC


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by teg2658 9/25/2017, 9:24 am

In 1983 or so I started with a npc grip mount, was introduced to Jackie Best a year later and he built me a slide mount gun with a 13 oz Aimpoint. For a few years I tried the Gil Hebard Burris scope and liked it better then the 13 oz Aimpoint only because it was lighter. When Aimpoint came out with the 3000 which was about 5 oz or so I became a total believer in slide mounts. Anything heavier then 5 or 6 oz and fatique will become a issue in a 2700, it will be just to heavy.
 Jackie Best is the first gunsmith to make slide mount 45s that I know of and made his own bases out of a #88 Weaver base. I looked at the base and made a set of fixtures to machine bases at work in my spare time before retiring. I have the fixtures, ball end mills and other tooling sitting in my tool box.
 All said I feel a slide mount is the way to go.
Tom Ginovsky


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by Froneck 9/25/2017, 11:07 am

When the NPC Grip mount came out I put it on my 1911, It came loose every time. I was told to make better bushings for the screws so it would fit tighter but recoil eventually egg shaped the holes. Then was told to add dowel pins to help keep it in place, those holes egged too. Then make a steel insert machine the grip mount so that it fit tight in it and the opening in the frame. The mount broke in half up near the Weaver type base. I did use the Gil Hebard scope too, also tried the scope Kart was selling and a Leupold scope but eventually went to Red Dots. AMU is using Aimpoint 9000SE on their guns that are quite heavy. I too made the bases for slide mount but rather than use a Weaver base and modify it I make the complete base from 7075 Aluminum a better alloy. Frame mount are now made to withstand the recoil but the felt recoil is higher as I mentioned in an earlier post. I liked the lens type scope but found that the red dot is easier to pick-up than a black post or cross hair with a dot. Been shooting and making scope bases for over 30 years now that are slide mounted and think slide mounts are the best way. I've also found that the slide need not fit as well on the frame if the barrel, bushing and lugs are done correctly and will last a lot longer than a frame mount that needs to have a tight fitting slide. Again as I mentioned before most of the top shooters are using slide mount.


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Bridge mounts, 1911 Empty Re: Bridge mounts, 1911

Post by hipirn2 9/25/2017, 3:51 pm

I had one of the Jim Clark cast grip mounts for a bit, it had an added screw to help keep the mount from loosening, also some material you mixed and placed inside the grip frame that bonded to the grip mount and made the mount more solid, didn't use it long went to slide mounts. Those grip mounts were never real popular but probably held up better. Speaking of red dot type lights about 1970 I was shooting in a regional match and became enamored with a fellow shooting a strange looking sight called an Oxford illuminated sight, it had a miniature incandesent bulb that put a pip of light on the front mirrored lens. The pip was not round but worked ok just center it on target to use, it had a weaver type mount and side mounted battery. I bought one from this same guy who became a controversial national champion and pioneer of the light dot sights. These early sights were a bit fragile even on a 22 but he got them to work even on the 45 but switched to other devices as they became available (there were several) and were more durable with the advent of the led's. I still have that sight along with many others that I used as the LED sights evolved. Better quit here. PMcC


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