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K&N .32 bullet ordering

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K&N .32 bullet ordering Empty K&N .32 bullet ordering

Post by robert84010 10/1/2017, 11:39 am

someone on targettalk is requesting H&N needs to place an order. Might be one of the rare opportunities to order these. not asking for money, just bullet needs.



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K&N .32 bullet ordering Empty Re: K&N .32 bullet ordering

Post by fc60 10/1/2017, 2:06 pm


I believe the fellow putting the order together is in the USA.

If true, you can get a lot of bullets into a USPS Flat Rate Box.

When I bought 4000 pieces from Canada, the shipping was $120.00. Cannot recall if that was Canadien or USD.

By the way, the last time I ordered 4000 bullets, they came packaged in a sturdy cardboard carton from the factory. (8 x 500)

Still, be sure to factor in the shipping fees.



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K&N .32 bullet ordering Empty Re: K&N .32 bullet ordering

Post by Jon Eulette 10/1/2017, 2:25 pm

I know him personally. He's reputable.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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