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Training slow fire and rapid fire only

Ed Hall
Jon Eulette
Chris Miceli
john bickar
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Training slow fire and rapid fire only - Page 2 Empty Training slow fire and rapid fire only

Post by orpheoet 10/1/2017, 8:57 pm

First topic message reminder :

I've heard bits here and there about focusing on just slow and rapid. I shot next to a High Master this summer that was shooting all of his timed fire at rapid fire tempo(to great effect). Just curious what others have to say about the practice.

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Training slow fire and rapid fire only - Page 2 Empty Re: Training slow fire and rapid fire only

Post by Jack H 10/17/2017, 10:55 pm

I got so many mags I don't know how many mags I got.

Just counted 10 for 208s.  I use 3 mags between 2 208s

I'd have remove shoes for the HS mags  Smile
Maybe Len's shoes too  Sad
Jack H
Jack H

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Training slow fire and rapid fire only - Page 2 Empty Re: Training slow fire and rapid fire only

Post by Chris Miceli 10/18/2017, 5:16 am

JayhawkNavy02 wrote:
Chris Miceli wrote:
dang who owns 5 magazines for the same gun =]

Definitely not you big dog.  
Do you even have a backup mag bro...lol
I own 2 Mags but only ever use 1,

Chris Miceli

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Training slow fire and rapid fire only - Page 2 Empty Re: Training slow fire and rapid fire only

Post by CR10X 10/18/2017, 8:20 am

I own 2 Mags but only ever use 1

So therefore you're having to reload a magazine and re-grip the gun between TF / RF strings or every 5 shots in SF?  

And have no loaded magazine available for a possible "double alibi" recovery on an alibi string?

Whatever works for you seems to be working, but still just something to think about.  

Personally, I generally have 3 loaded magazine at the start of each target and rotate through as I shoot. And before the subject comes up, I've not seen any statistically verifiable difference in scoring (actual shooting accuracy) when using different mags.  But I only use ones that are consistency good and working properly.   



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Training slow fire and rapid fire only - Page 2 Empty Re: Training slow fire and rapid fire only

Post by dronning 10/18/2017, 8:56 am

CR10X wrote:.....And have no loaded magazine available for a possible "double alibi" recovery on an alibi string?
2 years ago I had a double alibi during rapid fire in a team match when my 2nd round in the alibi string didn't feed.  Dropped the mag loaded my 3rd mag.  I got all 5 shots off and my lowest shot was an 8, we won the team match by 2 points.  I ALWAYS have that 3rd mag loaded.
- Dave
Also I never would have been able to do that without a ton of mag change practice I had from action shooting.

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