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Google store.

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Google store. Empty Google store.

Post by james r chapman 10/6/2017, 5:18 am

Anyone have ideas why this site constantly shifts me to Google store when I access it using a droid.?
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Google store. Empty Re: Google store.

Post by Chris Miceli 10/6/2017, 6:19 am

james r chapman wrote:Anyone have ideas why this site constantly shifts me to Google store when I access it using a droid.?
Russia Smile    

On apple some random things like that happen to me as well.

Chris Miceli

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Google store. Empty Re: Google store.

Post by desben 10/6/2017, 7:58 am

A few of the ads are "infected" and redirect my phone to questionable sites. This doesn't occur on my PC where I use AdBlocker.

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Google store. Empty Re: Google store.

Post by Saladman 10/6/2017, 2:18 pm

You should consider using the Ghostery or adblock browsers.  They disable ads and tracking quite nicely.  

As to the why, I'm not sure...


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Google store. Empty Re: Google store.

Post by mikemyers 10/29/2017, 6:21 am

Type in the full web address, and that problem will probably go away.  


Include the "http://www...  at the beginning.

It might be something in your phone's "cache" which is confused.

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Google store. Empty Re: Google store.

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