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Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship

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Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship Empty Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship

Post by orpheoet 10/15/2017, 3:05 pm

I accidentally posted in the wrong section about an issue I was having with my Springfield not cycling with some light loads. I have the gun running again with a 26lb hammer spring(its an ILS housing) and a 9lb recoil spring. The recoil seems different. I did have a factory spring in there, probably 30lb. The load is 4.2gr WST and a 160gr bullet. So what is the relationship between recoil spring, hammer spring and felt recoil?

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Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship Empty Re: Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship

Post by Multiracer 10/15/2017, 3:25 pm

My uneducated answer is the hammer spring has little to do with recoil. It only starts the ignition.
The difference you are feeling is the recoil spring collapsing faster under the same load of ammunition ?


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Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship Empty Re: Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 10/15/2017, 3:33 pm

Just sayin....before the slide can move back & start compressing the recoil spring it has to start cocking the hammer.  That's why reshaping the firing pin block can effect the unlocking process & adding to the recoil mix of springs.  A generous radius reduces the effort to cock the hammer allowing things to happen faster.

Everything effects everything, that's why some seemingly simple questions take on a life of their own. jocolor

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Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship Empty Re: Hammer spring/recoil spring relationship

Post by dronning 10/15/2017, 4:49 pm

STEVE SAMELAK wrote:Just sayin....before the slide can move back & start compressing the recoil spring it has to start cocking the hammer.  That's why reshaping the firing pin block can effect the unlocking process & adding to the recoil mix of springs.  A generous radius reduces the effort to cock the hammer allowing things to happen faster.

Everything effects everything, that's why some seemingly simple questions take on a life of their own. jocolor

Firing pin block shape and mainsprings are the first to impact slide speed.
Small radius FPB and heavy mainspring will also transfer more initial slide energy to the shooter and are usually used for hot loads.

2 exact guns shooting the exact load could feel completely different based on how the radius, mainspring and recoil springs are set up.
Example one gun running a 17 mainspring might be running a 14-16lb recoil spring.  A gun with the same radius FPB running a 23lb mainspring will need to run a lighter recoil spring say around 10-12lb just to function properly. 

Now when you start to look at slide verses frame mounts and steel verses aluminum rails, tight verses loose slides things get complicated fast.  Thats why many say spring selection is trial and error, and what works for you many not work for me.

- Dave

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