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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

james r chapman
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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by scheibenpistole 10/19/2017, 12:00 am

I hope this doesn't sound like too dumb a question, but does anyone have an opinion or experience in regard to the accuracy difference (if any) between the use of 45 Auto Rim brass VS Half/Full moon clips for a S&W 1955 Target, 25-2, 625, etc?
I searched this topic, but was surprised that nothing really came up one way or another.  The only opinions seem to be in favor of the clips for the sake of faster reloads between strings in timed/rapid stages.

Thanks for your consideration and responses,

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by Tim:H11 10/19/2017, 2:05 am

I don't own any of those guns. But I would guess that IF the 45 Auto Rim brass is similar to the 45 ACP brass in available volume for powder and bullet and wall thickness is more or less the same - then pressures in turn should be the same or similar. The only difference at that point is how far the moon clips and the rim allow the shell to enter the chamber and is there a difference there? IF the difference is marginal then I would take a guess and say there shouldn't be an accuracy difference if much. But as you mentioned - others prefer (and I would too) to use clips loaded ahead of time for ease of loading during the match. 

Now, having said all this, again I do not own a revolver in 45 and have no experience with loading the 45 auto rim shell but in my dealings with the 45 ACP - needless to say its a very forgiving cartridge to load for.

Good luck!

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 10/19/2017, 2:50 am

My thought is that using the rimmed cases would remove one variable (the moon clip) from the mix.  My GUESS is that rimmed cases would have better alignment in the cylinder.  If I had autorim brass & was a more consistent shot I would investigate.

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by james r chapman 10/19/2017, 3:45 am

I've used .45 Cowboy brass. Worked well if you can find it.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by Jack H 10/19/2017, 6:59 am

This I know.
1955 Model with 45 Autorim cases beats mooned ACP.

If prepared to load, the time to insert 5 individual rimmed cartridges might take 5 whole seconds. 

Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Sw_45a10
Jack H
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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by scheibenpistole 10/19/2017, 9:44 pm

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the replies... Lots of helpful information.

I realize that I may be splitting hairs by chasing variables that may or may not provide useful gains in accuracy.  But, a couple points here or there...
Compared to the cost of expensive modifications, though, working with handloading components and related factors seems to be at least a cheap way to make some gains.
For all the obvious benefits of the clips (rapid reloads, use of common ACP brass, etc.) they seem to have a potentially deleterious effect on headspacing, consistency of primer ignition, etc.  Just wondering if anyone has bothered to do any of the work to investigate.  It seems like the sort of thing the AMU or other service branch teams might have researched back when the S&W 1955 Target was more commonly in use.  

Thanks, too, for the tip on 45 Cowboy brass.  I thought I was up on such things, but this was a new one to me!!


My gratitude to all,

PS: Nice group Jack!

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by Bigtrout 10/20/2017, 2:45 am

I've put nearly 3400 rounds through my S&W 986 9mm and have had no accuracy issues I could attribute to the moonies nor any misfires.  I always use dummies to fill the 2 slots because I shoot 5 rounds per clip.  I've measured my headspace and it is right on nominal, along with the cylinder gap.

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by Dr.Don 10/20/2017, 4:08 am

I'm not a revolver guy in general.  But if autorim brass gives an accuracy advantage, you could use it at 50 and use clips at 25 for ease of reloading.

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by Jack H 10/20/2017, 8:58 am

There is nothing hard or excessive time about loading rimmed cases.
Jack H
Jack H

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Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc Empty Re: Auto Rim VS. Moon Clips 25-2, 625, etc

Post by knightimac 10/21/2017, 1:20 pm

I find the moon clips convenient.  I use them at 25 and 50 yards.  Even with my old assorted brass, I can't remember having a misfire using Federal primers and Bullseye powder.  With 185 LSWC and 3.8 BE I get around 3"-4" groups at 50 off sandbags depending upon how still I can hold.

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