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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Chris Miceli
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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by joy2shoot Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:43 pm

I have a Pardini wooden grip that I have been using for years.  The stippling has become somewhat smooth and I wish to 'revive' it.  Normally, I use a small nail and hammer.  But I was wondering what other techniques people have used that may be more efficient than the hammer and mail method.  Thanks.


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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by Aprilian Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:24 pm

Randall Fung taught me to use a Dremel with a 191 ball head.   It blended in exactly.

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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by Chris Miceli Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:54 pm

Center punch and hammer

Chris Miceli

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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by dronning Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:27 pm

Both the nail and Dremel method:

I took a bunch of 4, 6 and 8-Penny finishing nails reshaped the points then cut the hammer end off and silver soldered them together in a bunch, about 3/8" diameter of them, making sure the points were level with each other.  Worked pretty good stayed sharp enough to do 2 wood grips.  Last time I used it I did a poly grip on an XDM by heating it up, used an old drill chuck to hold it. 

- Dave

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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by JKR Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:36 pm

It always depends on the stippling I'm trying to match. I prefer the tiny ball head bit in the dremel but have used a small drill bit as well as the hammer and punch method. I hold the grip in my lap and use a rapid tapping motion. I like Dave's gang punch idea!



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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by DavidR Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:27 pm

a good electric engraver tool works great too

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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by joy2shoot Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:21 pm

Thank you for all the suggestions.


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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by SMBeyer Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:13 pm

I sharpen the end of a very small screw driver to a sharp point and go at the grip like a woodpecker on crack.

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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by joy2shoot Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:51 pm

SMBeyer wrote:I sharpen the end of a very small screw driver to a sharp point and go at the grip like a woodpecker on crack.

I wonder if an ice pick would work as well?  That is, after you use it to make your cocktail.


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How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling? Empty Re: How do you 'revive' your wooden grip's stippling?

Post by Virgil Kane Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:21 am

joy2shoot wrote:
SMBeyer wrote:I sharpen the end of a very small screw driver to a sharp point and go at the grip like a woodpecker on crack.

I wonder if an ice pick would work as well?  That is, after you use it to make your cocktail.

A scratch awl would be perfect.

Virgil Kane

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