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Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner

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Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner Empty Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner

Post by sixftunda 5/21/2012, 7:12 pm

My very first post! I have been reading here for about two weeks.

Last year I bought a Beretta to shoot at Camp Perry this year. I added target sights and a KKM barrel and have been shooting pretty good with it.
In the last few months I have learned about 2700 matches and want to get a 1911. I already have a High Standard 10x and a Browning Buckmark to choose for the .22 portion.

So I have a choice between a Springfield Loaded a friend wants to sell me or I have seen a complete Caspian on Gunbroker used with a red dot that would be about 300 dollars more. It is well used.

If I bought the Springfield, I would simply put target sights on it for the time being and shoot it.

Should I spend the extra money? What questions should I ask someone who is selling a used bullseye gun?

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Join date : 2012-05-18
Age : 52
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Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner Empty Re: Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner

Post by armouredbear 5/21/2012, 9:24 pm

well, there's a long discussion over here when i asked about recommendations for my first 1911. i just bought my first, so i'm no real help, but all the guys here were very helpful!

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Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner Empty Re: Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner

Post by inthebeech 5/22/2012, 7:45 am

Just my two cents; if I had it to do all over, I would have taken a different path.

Clark custom will take any reasonably servicable 1911 and for $400 guarantee two and a half, or is it three inches at fifty yards. So presumably a decent, used milspec (Colt, SF, maybe an off shore one as well), this mod, and a set of adjustable sights (maybe you can find a used 1911 WITH an adjustable rear ??), and your sorted out.

Folks recommend a used wad gun which is certainly an option but to avoid the unknown delay of "when is one going to surface???" and also truly have a freshly welded up and fitted barrel with zero round count, I'd probably go this route. (I recall recently seeing an Essex or something frame, Colt slide and adjustable sights while picking up a keg of powder). The Clark Custom video convinced me that they will indeed put as much attention and quality in to this package as they do a total build.

Have fun.

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Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner Empty Re: Looking for advice on a bullseye 1911 for a beginner

Post by sixftunda 5/22/2012, 8:28 am

Unfortunately, according to Clark's website, they are no longer accepting customer supplied 1911's as of June 1.

After more research (and the need to stick to a budget), I think I am going with an STI Spartan V.

Posts : 455
Join date : 2012-05-18
Age : 52
Location : North Central Ohio

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