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Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet

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Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet Empty Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet

Post by joy2shoot 10/26/2017, 9:21 pm

On the 'New Pardini with integrated picatinny' thread, Chris M posted a link to a T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet.  Instead of co-opting the original post, I created this post to ask if anyone has any good load recipes for this bullet.  The advertised diameter of this bullet is 0.314".  The link that Chris posted is as follows.


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Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet Empty Re: Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet

Post by Chris Miceli 10/26/2017, 9:55 pm

I know it’s not exactly helpful... but the target talk post has 23 pages of discussion. I remember reading something about having brass setup for lead and brass for jacketed. I recently had to go to a smaller sizing die in my star for the 32acp, because I only use jacked. The original sizing die would of worked great if the .314 lead.


From what I remember many of the shooters are happy with those t&b bullets

Chris Miceli

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Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet Empty Re: Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet

Post by messenger 10/27/2017, 5:47 am

I use a load posted by Dipnet. 1.2gr Tightwad, 0.885 oal, 0.332 crimp. This works well on the short line. I still use Hornady XTP's on the long line.


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Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet Empty Re: Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet

Post by Ghillieman 10/28/2017, 4:58 am

I second Hodgdon Titewad, not Titegroup....
It works well in my 32 S&W Long.

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Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet Empty Re: Load recipes for the T&B .32 ACP, 60 gr LSWC bullet

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