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Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?

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Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?  Empty Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?

Post by NationalMatch 10/28/2017, 1:19 pm

Also curious why he no longer posts here?
This forum goes way back before on line forums were common .

Last edited by NationalMatch on 10/28/2017, 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?  Empty Re: Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?

Post by Wobbley 10/28/2017, 1:27 pm

He did.  But for some personal reasons he’s no longer posting much lately.

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Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?  Empty Re: Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?

Post by dronning 10/28/2017, 2:03 pm

NationalMatch wrote:Also curious why he no longer posts here?
 This forum goes way back before on line forums were common .
This Oct 2. link explains it all, no info since:  
- Dave

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Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?  Empty Re: Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?

Post by Bullseye58 11/1/2017, 8:10 pm

Sorry you are going through this Jerry. My prayers are with you. Thank you for all you have done for us shooters for so many years. I cherish the Keefer PPC revolver I own and I sometimes just look at and marvel at the thought and workmanship that you must have put into my gun and all the guns you have crafted. God bless Jerry.

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Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?  Empty Re: Any word on how Jerry Keefer is doing?

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