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9mm for Bullseye?

james r chapman
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9mm for Bullseye? Empty 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by beeser 11/2/2017, 12:10 pm

Does 9mm have a future in Bullseye with any platform, projectile or load?  If not, I might as well get rid of a Range Officer I have in 9mm.


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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by mspingeld 11/2/2017, 12:34 pm

Steve Huff of Accuracy X wrote an interesting article about 9mm for CMP Service Pistol. My take is the accuracy is achievable but for Bullseye, if the shooter doesn't want to shoot the 45 for center fire, then the easy shooting of 32 over 9mm will win out.



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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by oldsalt444 11/2/2017, 2:55 pm

A 9mm for bullseye CF is OK and I see them on the line sometimes, but not as much as the 45 or 38. S&W makes the 952 considered the premier 9mm bullseye gun and they better be at $2500. This replaced the venerable Model 52 in 38 Special. I still see plenty of those. 

You should keep your RO as it is a accurate gun and legal for CMP service pistol leg matches. Most 9mm's need to be driven fast to be accurate which negates the idea of soft recoil from a lighter bullet. Find a good load for your RO and you'll probably be happy with it.

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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by Blackbird 11/2/2017, 5:28 pm

I'm still surprised that Beretta never built a 92FS or M9 (commercial) National Match compliant pistol.

The CB, the Combat, the Elites, etc. are an aside.


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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by james r chapman 11/2/2017, 6:05 pm

Too expensive...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by Merick 11/2/2017, 6:20 pm

My experience is reloading decent 9mm ammo is a long winding road (as opposed to 38 wadcutters that practically assemble themselves when you aren't looking, or 45 that even I can manage).


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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by jglenn21 11/2/2017, 7:01 pm

Easy solution to your 9mm is to convert it to 38 super. 

Very simple conversion to a round that shoots very well well at lower velocities. Lead or jacketed

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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by Magload 11/2/2017, 8:34 pm

Has anyone tried the S&W M1911 Pro in 9MM?   Looked at it online and was just wondering if it could be made into a good BE CF.  Or maybe have a 38 Super barrel put in it.  I to have one of those Sig $38 38 Super barrels in my parts drawer.  Don

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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by Jon Eulette 11/2/2017, 9:00 pm

Any 1911 can be made ro shoot well. Some are more work than others Wink
9mm can be converted to Super.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by Blackbird 11/2/2017, 11:29 pm

james r chapman wrote:Too expensive...

That never stopped Beretta from producing the Billenium, the 92 Centennial, or the 92 FS Fusion [MSRP $10,000+].


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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by james r chapman 11/3/2017, 4:41 am

Ok. The Precision Pistol market is to small.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

Post by Rob Kovach 11/9/2017, 2:43 pm

The new Atlanta Arms JHP 9mm ammo is really good. We have a guy shooting a 9mm RO shooting his normal just-shy-of-master scores.
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9mm for Bullseye? Empty Re: 9mm for Bullseye?

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