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Shooting tip from Bob Chow

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Shooting tip from Bob Chow Empty Shooting tip from Bob Chow

Post by xmastershooter 11/2/2017, 11:30 pm

Much have been said about front sight focus, alignment of the front and rear sights, gap size, center hold, 6 0’clock hold, sub-6 hold and so on.
However, his only tip to me before his passing was, “Bring the front sight to the rear sight!” No one else has ever mentioned to visualize as such.


Posts : 266
Join date : 2011-06-10

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Shooting tip from Bob Chow Empty Re: Shooting tip from Bob Chow

Post by Jack H 11/3/2017, 12:16 am

It all happens at the gun.
Jack H
Jack H

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Age : 75
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Shooting tip from Bob Chow Empty Re: Shooting tip from Bob Chow

Post by davekp 11/3/2017, 7:57 am

I think what he is saying is to visualize pulling the front back into the rear sight. For dots, I try to visualize pulling the dot into my eye.


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Join date : 2011-06-11

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Shooting tip from Bob Chow Empty Re: Shooting tip from Bob Chow

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