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What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry?

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What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry? Empty What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry?

Post by Rob Kovach Sat May 26, 2012 10:53 am

This will be the first trip for me at Camp Perry, and I'm curious what Setups people carry/cart over to the firing line each day.

I just saw a picture of a rig that a Facebook friend uses to go to High Power rifle matches, and its alot of stuff!

If you have a picture of the cart that you use for bullseye, post it so I can get organized. If no pics, just share the list!

Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry? Empty Re: What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry?

Post by Founder Sat May 26, 2012 11:35 pm

I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you what I bring to the line. I will skip the obvious stuff like guns and gun boxes and brass catchers.

Two gallon ziplock bags for score cards and writing instruments (bring three so you,can give one to the person scoring your target and one for your gun). Clip board, snacks and water, small folding stool, mp3 player.

I will add to this list as I remember more stuff

Last edited by Joe Fobes on Sun May 27, 2012 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry? Empty Re: What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry?

Post by sixftunda Sun May 27, 2012 7:00 am

I will be shooting at Perry for the first time also. I was one of the many who didn't get to shoot at the SAFS last year because of the lightning. So I decided to jump in head first this year and just compete. I am putting the finishing touches on my homemade pistol box this week and will be going to Canton next Sunday. Any advice on equipment would be greatly appreciated.

What do you guys use for a brass catcher at the line?

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What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry? Empty Re: What does everyone bring to the firing line at Perry?

Post by gulliver62 Mon May 28, 2012 7:50 am

I don't take a brass catcher to the line. I don't want to carry another thing and there can be a lot of wind. The last thing I want to thing about during a sustained fire string is if my brass catcher is going to blow over. So, you have to have the screen and something to hold it to the bench. I do take a screen. If I get my brass, I get it and if I don't, I don't.

I try to take as little as possible to the line. I only take the guns and ammo I use for that day. Wear long sleeves, long pants as the sun can be brutal. I like a hat with something over my neck also.
Bring side shades for your glasses, the morning sun can be into your right eye. Resin for you grip, I put golf towels on my pistol box too.

Be ready for rain, but I only take it to the line if it looks bad. Poncho or garbage bag for you box and targets.

You use a fresh target every time so you won't need a stapler.

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