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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by Bullseye_Stan 11/12/2017, 2:34 pm


 I recently acquired a Nelson .22 conversion unit.  I am very pleased with the installation, function, and accuracy.  However, I somehow feel like I'm missing something.  I'm not dumb, but can't understand how to lubricate and maintain the slide and barrel assembly. 

Maybe this is intuitive, or people just shoot them until they stop working and then add some oil where parts have galled?  The kit includes oil, but I can't find any instructions on where to apply the oil.   I am fairly certain the Marvel and Nelson conversions operate similarly and have similar maintenance requirements.  Maybe all this is explained in a youtube video?



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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Re: Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by robert84010 11/12/2017, 3:13 pm

Just some oil on the frame rails when you install it and I like to brush the breech face every handful of magazines. After a few hundred rounds I pull the conversion off the frame just to remove the grit that collects in the magwell from 22lr ammo and use a .25 cal brush in the chamber. Then I add the oil to the frame rails and start the process over..


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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Re: Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by Chris Miceli 11/12/2017, 3:20 pm

robert84010 wrote:Just some oil on the frame rails when you install it and I like to brush the breech face every handful of magazines. After a few hundred rounds I pull the conversion off the frame just to remove the grit that collects in the magwell from 22lr ammo and use a .25 cal brush in the chamber. Then I add the oil to the frame rails and start the process over..
this is what i do, i also carry some toothpicks for cleaning out the breach face.

Chris Miceli

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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Re: Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by robert84010 11/12/2017, 3:51 pm

Yep, toothpicks work also. the only reason I go to a gunshow once every five years is to get some of those "m16" brushes to use on the breachface. They are two sided with the narrow side having short stiff bristles. Perfect for 22 cleaning. Just a little brushing goes along way to reduce light strikes.


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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Re: Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by LenV 11/12/2017, 5:25 pm

There's toothpicks and then there's toothpicks. While I was visiting my Dentist (fun fun fun) I asked him what he did with all those fancy toothpicks he used on me. It turns out that they have to throw them away. And they have to sterilize them before they do. I didn't get too greedy...

Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? 20171111

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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Re: Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by rreid 11/12/2017, 8:40 pm

I agree with all of the above. Cleaning the chamber with the 25 Cal brush is the biggest thing that keeps mine running.

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Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance? Empty Re: Nelson/Marvel .22 conversion units maintenance?

Post by Bullseye_Stan 11/13/2017, 2:06 pm

Thanks guys,

The only contact I immediately noticed was the recoil spring rod rubbed against the slide - and I figure that might eventually need some oil.  I'll get one of those brushes for cleaning the breach face and a .25 bore brush.

Also, and most probably already know this, sometimes the slide wouldn't lock back with a magazine installed.  It turned out that the pin for the slide stop was not in the frame far enough.  Once that pin was seated as far as it would go, the slide always stayed back with a magazine.



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