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What is at Perry

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What is at Perry Empty What is at Perry

Post by Chris_D Sat May 26, 2012 12:37 pm

Hey Rob,

I hear yeah man, this is my first trip to Perry too. However, I shot most of the matches in the WI & ILL area last year. The one thing I learned is that I do haul more stuff than I need. That isn't a bad thing though, I have helped out other shooters with: extra ammo, hats, and even a spare scope battery. I have also forgotten to bring ammo and luckily someone else brought extra so I could buy it off of them.

Along with answering the original question of what to bring to the line, I am also wondering if someone can elaborate on what "services" will be available at Perry. I have heard there are armors there that can fix/work on guns. Probably my biggest concern would be if the trigger pull wasn't up to weight as I have seen very inconsistant results from various weigh-ins. I suppose having a component break like the extractor (last week for me) would also be a concern. So, if there are armors there working on guns, would there be parts available?

Are there any special laws we have to follow transporting guns in Ohio, or Indiana of which I have to drive through as well?



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Join date : 2011-11-21

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What is at Perry Empty Re: What is at Perry

Post by Founder Sun May 27, 2012 12:45 am

Many good questions Chris!

There will be armorers there from most branches of the service and enough vendors on commercial row that you could build an entire guy if you needed.

The strictest gun laws are the ones in IL. Follow those and you are golden.

Bring copies of any confirmation emails showing your entry in the matches just in case someone wonders why you are traveling with so much ammo. CYA!

Hope this helps

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Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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What is at Perry Empty Re: What is at Perry

Post by DavidR Tue May 29, 2012 12:16 pm

Just remember you have to carry everything from the 50 yard line forward to the 25 yd benches including all your full targets, no repair centers at perry, a geezer cart is a great thing to have to ferry all your stuff back and forth. You also must pick up your brass, a catcher is nice but something else to carry and set up. Plus you will need to be ready on the line they do not doddle around. So if you have anytime after you finish your 3rd 50 yd target, reset your scope, load your mags and whatever else you need to do because when you are told to move forward to 25, you will have very little time, and you can not open your gun box till told then you barely have time to do anything.

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Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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