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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question Empty Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

Post by troystaten Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:53 pm

I was wondering if anybody loads 38 special 148 grain wadcutters on a progressive press where you have a bullet feeder?  My biggest question would be how do you insure that the bullet is pointing the correct way?  I obviously have to much time on my hands but I thought somebody here would know the answer.



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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question Empty Re: Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

Post by Wobbley Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:08 pm

Never really tried as most bullet feeders don’t work with lead bullets. those that do seem to want a TC or SWC rather than a full WC as the feeder works on the principle of two collets “playing tag” if you will. The cylindrical nature and flat face seems to be incompatible. I know SWC will work. Not sure about WC of any variety.

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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question Empty Re: Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

Post by james r chapman Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:22 pm

I believe most use the double ended 148 gr wc's for auto feeds.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question Empty Re: Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

Post by dronning Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:53 pm

troystaten wrote:I was wondering if anybody loads 38 special 148 grain wadcutters on a progressive press where you have a bullet feeder?  My biggest question would be how do you insure that the bullet is pointing the correct way?  I obviously have to much time on my hands but I thought somebody here would know the answer.

Just looked at my bullet feeder and NO STRAIGHT walled bullet will work, because when a bullet enters the lower section that places it on the case there are ball bearings that stop the next bullet from following it.  The tip of the bullet needs to be smaller than the base of the next bullet to work.  With a straight walled bullet they would just all dump out.

Also I don't use the bullet feeder for any lubed bullet because way too much crude gets built up in a short amount of time and then all the time I saved using the bullet feeder is lost in clean up.

I use a Mr BulletFeeder and give it a big thumbs up for jacketed ammo.  In the future I may try their mini tube feeder for lubed rounds.
- Dave

Last edited by dronning on Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question Empty Re: Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

Post by Wobbley Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:11 pm

The RCBS tube bullet feeder is OK for lead bullets; I called and asked specifically. The tech said it would. They really do speed up the process. If the lube is sticky, I’d dust with motor mica.

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Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question Empty Re: Reloading HBWC on a progressive press question

Post by troystaten Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:36 pm

Thanks for the replies.  Have a merry Christmas.


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