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Pardini SP vs Benelli MP

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Pardini SP vs Benelli MP Empty Pardini SP vs Benelli MP

Post by ddivins 6/4/2012, 4:18 am


I am considering picking up one of these two pieces. Can anyone please share their opinions on these two guns. I would also appreciate some comments on the Benelli MP-90s vs the MP-95.

Besides buffers on the Benelli, any comments on reliability?

I have a Trailside and an AW93 inbound and am looking for something a bit different.



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Join date : 2012-05-28

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Pardini SP vs Benelli MP Empty Re: Pardini SP vs Benelli MP

Post by Motorcycle_dan 6/6/2012, 8:14 am

I had an MP-90 world cup. With a lot of load development and expensive brass/bullets, I could almost shoot scores as well as my 1911. Your mileage may vary.

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Age : 65
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