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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Chris Miceli
Doug Tiedt
Jon Eulette
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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by Amanda4461 12/25/2017, 1:40 pm

First topic message reminder :

I tried out my first 1911 with a Roll Trigger a few days ago at the local range. I loved it. Does anyone offer a drop-in fit Roll Trigger kit, or is this something I am better off sending to an experienced 1911 gunsmith?
Thanks for the info, and Merry Christmas!

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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by robert84010 12/27/2017, 4:08 pm

oh, you thought I wasn't being facetious. interesting. I guess you've missed the dismissive posts from one person with spreadsheets and measurements of brass and the importance of such things.

I guess I will have to put a ***SARCASM ALERT**** on things in the future. sad, highlighting sarcasm does seem to ruin sarcasm.


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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by john bickar 12/27/2017, 5:51 pm

Wobbley wrote:
robert84010 wrote:
john bickar wrote:Can someone make a jig to fix my misaligned headspace? That costs me a lot of points.
no jigs needed haven't you heard, you measure your brass and make a spreadsheet. That is the "new" headspace. Evidently, AMU is now the Army Math Unit. It's all about being confident in the fact that when one shoots a 5 it is EXACTLY in the 5 ring where it should be based on brass measurements. That is what matters now...silly.

I think John was being facetious.  His misaligned headspace is on top of his shoulders.  The only correction for that is a slap up side of the head.


Thank you sir, may I have another!
john bickar
john bickar

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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by Wobbley 12/27/2017, 6:04 pm

Do you have a pledge pin on your uniform... lol!

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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by john bickar 12/27/2017, 8:50 pm

robert84010 wrote:
john bickar wrote:Can someone make a jig to fix my misaligned headspace? That costs me a lot of points.
no jigs needed haven't you heard, you measure your brass and make a spreadsheet. That is the "new" headspace. Evidently, AMU is now the Army Math Unit. It's all about being confident in the fact that when one shoots a 5 it is EXACTLY in the 5 ring where it should be based on brass measurements. That is what matters now...silly.


That statistical process won't work for me; not enough data points in the 5 ring.
john bickar
john bickar

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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by robert84010 12/27/2017, 9:12 pm

I hear you John, was just trying to joke about the recent Alice in Wonderland parallel universe somebody here has tried to enforce as important.


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Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith? - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger-Drop-in fit or need a good 1911 Smith?

Post by Froneck 12/28/2017, 8:08 am

I personally think joking without adding  lol! or something similar should not be done. These forums are intended to help those in search of answers to get correct ones even if it provokes a discussion of what is actually the facts. The saying that the only stupid question asked is the one that isn't let those ask questions without the fear of being called stupid and joking about an issue will discourage some that may not enter the conversation. Some items available and great while others are the handy dandy Popiel instant device that when used will have you shoot like a high master. To be able to stone a sear so as to preform as required takes experience and skill and will not be done correctly by someone without the necessary background. Often overlooked is the stone, if it's not flat any groves and ridges in it will be transferred to the sear. Use of a bad stone can quickly mess-up a new sear from EGW with a few strokes.
 Therefore I suggest those with the so called stupid questions to feel free to ask them because they are not stupid if you don't know the answer ask and not be concerned by the jokesters who often don't know the answer either.
 Getting back to the topic, Jon is correct a good smith can compensate for misaligned pins. In fact all frames I've tested have some degree of misalignment. Larger pins will not help and can make matters worse as he also stated. Misalignment can be easily checked, long gauge pins inserted in the holes that have a snug slip fit can be measured with a micrometer on both sides. Any difference in reading is misalignment. The hard part is to determine the direction and how to compensate for it.


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