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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Jack H
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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by kohlerpartsgod 12/28/2017, 5:00 pm

Hello, wondering what others are doing for the OAL on the 200gr, plated SWC bullets. Thanks


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by Aprilian 12/28/2017, 5:08 pm

.020 shoulder to case mouth with xtreme plated

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by LenV 12/28/2017, 5:13 pm

Not looking at OAL very much. The biggy with SWC is how much of the flat base you have protruding past the case. We have pretty much agreed on about a fingernail. Or around .006" all SWC not being the same anyhow that seems to be a good place to start.


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by LenV 12/28/2017, 5:15 pm

We just haven't agreed on how thick a fingernail is. Very Happy

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by cdrt 12/28/2017, 5:20 pm

It all depends on the barrel's chamber and leade.  My SA Range Officer's chamber has no leade, while my Colt Series 70 with NM barrel has a ton of leade and allows me to seat the bullets out more.  For convenience sake, I seat them all to fit the RO rather than the Series 70.

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by Multiracer 12/28/2017, 5:45 pm

cdrt wrote:It all depends on the barrel's chamber and leade.  My SA Range Officer's chamber has no leade, while my Colt Series 70 with NM barrel has a ton of leade and allows me to seat the bullets out more.  For convenience sake, I seat them all to fit the RO rather than the Series 70.

....and that measurement is ?


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by LenV 12/28/2017, 6:56 pm

Just measured some. .020 is a lot closer then the .006 I posted. I am loading a bunch of Zero 185s right now (Not plated) and they are around .022-.025. Must have been thinking about my Granddaughters nails. Rolling Eyes Not knowing exactly what bullet you have it is very hard to give you a starting OAL. This picture is of a FMJ not a plated bullet but it shows the amount of shoulder I am using. I don't have any plated bullets.

OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Dscf1012

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by Bullseye_Stan 12/28/2017, 7:26 pm

I've used the 'definition of headspace':https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t7022-range-of-acceptable-headspace?highlight=headspace

OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Dscf1010

As shown in this post image by LenV, and adjust the seating of the shoulder for correct headspace. This may be different for each barrel, but only by a few thousands.

Edit: here is another image (more of a cartoon, but more informative): https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t7061-bullet-seating-for-the-45acp
OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Img_0411

As shown in this post by willnewton, the best bullet seating depth (for accuracy) headspaces on the bullet.

Last edited by Bullseye_Stan on 12/29/2017, 8:03 am; edited 2 times in total


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by Multiracer 12/28/2017, 8:05 pm

Just a half a dozen months ago I started reloading. I used to base everything on OAL. That ended up being a disaster in having several 45's with differing barrels, chambers, and throats as well as differing magazines and springs. I have learned to go with a fairly average number measuring from the case edge to the lead shoulder .025". Jacketed is pretty much the same as is plated only its a tad harder to measure so an eyeball with the manly fingernail as a rule works out just fine .025" to .040". I check virtually every other round in a case gauge before it is boxed.
Since doing this I can say I have had almost zero failure to load scenarios.
Thanks for the good info in this thread guys.


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by cdrt 12/28/2017, 8:39 pm

Multiracer wrote:
cdrt wrote:It all depends on the barrel's chamber and leade.  My SA Range Officer's chamber has no leade, while my Colt Series 70 with NM barrel has a ton of leade and allows me to seat the bullets out more.  For convenience sake, I seat them all to fit the RO rather than the Series 70.

....and that measurement is ?
What works for me, may not work for anyone else.  You need to check the chamber and see what works the best when you seat a loaded round with the barrel out of the pistol.  If it is even with the hood, you are good to go.

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by ruger15151 12/28/2017, 9:43 pm

I load 200 gr SWC @ .920 measured from the back of the case to the shoulder of the bullet. I have found this to be a much more accurate way to measure rather than trying to measure the exposed shoulder.


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by Jack H 12/28/2017, 10:57 pm

Some old W-W and REM-UMC match ammo measures from base to shoulder about .920-.925
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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 12/29/2017, 5:48 am

and once you determine what length you're going to use, get a seating stem that uses the shoulder rather than the nose.

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by james r chapman 12/29/2017, 6:50 am

I shot next to a master who shot high 880's. I looked at his 185 and 200 loads and they were all seated flush. Be said it just simplified things for a his guns.

.905 or so.
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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by BE Mike 12/29/2017, 7:49 am

With this being, "The information age!" I would think that folks would quit reinventing the wheel. Don't worry about COAL with semi-wadcutter .45 ACP bullets. Just let a little of the shoulder stick out the mouth of the case. If your pistol feeds the cartridge reliably, you are good to go.
BE Mike
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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by Wobbley 12/29/2017, 7:59 am

But but....you’re taking all the fun out of it. If we can’t re-invent the wheel what else can we argue about?

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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 12/29/2017, 8:16 am

Wobbley wrote:But but....you’re taking all the fun out of it.  If we can’t re-invent the wheel what else can we argue about?


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OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets Empty Re: OAL for 200gr plated SWC bullets

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