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Not new here but I forgot my old login

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Not new here but I forgot my old login  Empty Not new here but I forgot my old login

Post by jagbender 1/4/2018, 2:07 pm

I have been a member here WAY back 10-15 years ago.  I could not remember my old login information and my old email account is inactive. 

Anyway,  I am looking for a used adjustable grip for a Pardini SP 22. 

I have the original large non adjustable grip that came on my Pistol.  BTW this Pardini is from the days when Don Nygord was inporting them. 

After I moved from MI to FL my guns went in the closet for a while.  I was working construction for a few years and my had will not fit in the grip. 

I really do not want to take a dremel tool to the grip in order to preserve any value in it being stock. 
Also I am amazed at the prices on the SP  WOW!   I think I paid about 1200.00 bvack in the day.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2018-01-04

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Not new here but I forgot my old login  Empty Re: Not new here but I forgot my old login

Post by willnewton 1/4/2018, 6:52 pm

I can help get the old you back probably.  Send me a PM with your old email and maybe a guess at your old name.

You may also want to search for an topic you posted in or thread you may have started just using a keyword search if you remember an old specific post from the past and see if you can find the old you.

As for the grip, you want want to post a want ad in Commercial Row.

Posts : 1103
Join date : 2016-07-24
Location : NC

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Not new here but I forgot my old login  Empty Re: Not new here but I forgot my old login

Post by jagbender 1/5/2018, 11:43 am

OK thanks


Posts : 7
Join date : 2018-01-04

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