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Reloading for two different guns (or three??)

Chris Miceli
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Reloading for two different guns (or three??) - Page 2 Empty Reloading for two different guns (or three??)

Post by mikemyers Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:30 pm

First topic message reminder :

Not a particularly important question, but I'm wondering what you guys do about this.  I'm planning on reloading for both 38 Special for M-52, and 45 for my (soon to be two) 1911 bullseye guns.  For those of you who are doing something similar, do you load up a huge number of rounds for one gun, then do the other (what I used to do), or if the press is easy to switch over, just load up what you want for the first gun (maybe 200 rounds for me), switch, and then load for the other (maybe also 200 rounds).   This is what I think I'm likely to do when I get back home.

I can't think of any way that it makes much of a difference, other than time, and convenience.  If I'm smart, I'll load one caliber one day, and the other caliber the next day.

I don't have my notes with me, but Terry from Magnus recommended something that was also listed in this forum, and since he makes the bullets, why not follow his advice exactly.

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Reloading for two different guns (or three??) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for two different guns (or three??)

Post by zanemoseley Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:26 pm

I don't need more speed, I can probably load 400-500 an hour, that's plenty for what I shoot. What I need is a machine to print money.


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Reloading for two different guns (or three??) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for two different guns (or three??)

Post by jglenn21 Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:05 pm

Zane they make those but the Feds really don't care for them

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Reloading for two different guns (or three??) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for two different guns (or three??)

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