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S&W revolver question

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S&W revolver question Empty S&W revolver question

Post by Multiracer 1/16/2018, 6:38 pm

What is the delio on a nice well maintained model 1950 chambered in 45 ACP ? Manufactured in 1953 as a "transition" gun according to the serial number.
Any good for B/E ?


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S&W revolver question Empty Re: S&W revolver question

Post by boatbum101 1/16/2018, 6:52 pm

It has a lighter profile barrel than the later 1955 Model , plus they are also somewhat rarer & command higher prices if in high condition . As with the later model check the size of cylinder throats as many are over .452 , some as bad as .456 - .458 . Personally I've never had one of either I could get to shoot BE loads , hotter loads yes .


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S&W revolver question Empty Re: S&W revolver question

Post by CR10X 1/16/2018, 9:31 pm

I prefer the 1955 version.  The 1950 version was reported to have "shallower" rifling and has been generalliy reported as better with jacketed bullets.  Just make sure the rifling and barrel looks good and have some fun if you want to.   

My experience was the same, the 1950 did much better with jacketed loads;  but I only had the opportunity to try one 1950.  I also worked with two very good 1955 models.  Unlike boatbum101, I had excellent groups with both 1955 versions, one a  "S" series and the other a 25, both "Model of 1955" with my typical .45 wadcutter loads. In general it was also reported that earlier guns had bigger throats, and indeed the 1950 version I  had was larger, but as I remember the measurements were very consistent for all the cylinders for all three guns (but the 1955's were smaller). 

Also be on the lookout, a lot of guns have swapped cylinders, bad throats, etc. etc.  I've even see some buldged barrels that were very hard to detect. 

These old guns are generally fun to shoot and admire; but I'm not giving up my auto.....


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