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Spread Sheets and Testing Ammo

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Spread Sheets and Testing Ammo Empty Spread Sheets and Testing Ammo

Post by fc60 Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:59 am


A fellow shooter introduced me to using a Spread Sheet to "forecast" velocity.

I recently tried it with some 45 ACP loads.

Bullets are H&G 130 cast of LinoType
Powder is Bullseye, Lot#669

Interesting to note that the FORECAST was within 6 FPS of the actual values.


Spread Sheets and Testing Ammo Attachment
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Spread Sheets and Testing Ammo Empty Re: Spread Sheets and Testing Ammo

Post by S148 Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:19 am

The statistical term is linear regression.  If the data is more-or-less linear (a straight line), the predictions are close.  I've found that most handgun powders are more-or-less linear in the range we usually use them.


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Join date : 2017-07-04

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