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Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member

john bickar
Jon Eulette
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Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member - Page 2 Empty Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member

Post by 30harry Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:50 pm

First topic message reminder :

Looking for recommendations on how to go about purchasing a pistol from a forum member? 

In this case it is probably the most expensive handgun purchase I've ever made and I don't feel it's the same as buying a shooting box from someone.  

How do you go about making a transaction like this where both parties are secure without doing a face-to-face with cash in hand?  

I know he will ship from his FFL to mine but how to make the transfer of funds in the process?  

Thanks for any suggestions.  



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Join date : 2017-11-04

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Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member - Page 2 Empty Re: Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member

Post by Bullseye_Stan Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:43 am

I've used USPS money orders and talked on the phone with the seller along with several other email communications.  That weeds out scammers.  Sometimes, there can be some cantankerous folks but it's fairly easy to spot them and then the decision comes: can I afford to lose this amount of money; is it worth the aggravation dealing with this individual? 

With USPS money orders there is a (slow) recourse that tends to protect both the seller and buyer.  Paypal (other than discouraging firearm sales) can have some negative results on the sellers end in that a dispute can be generated long after an apparently successful transaction - scammers have used that tactic.  The only real problems with USPS money orders is that the buyer needs to be motivated for the transaction, since they need to get cash and deal with the Post Office - which is good for the seller.

If the transaction occurs within the same state, I've always made arrangement to meet face-to-face.


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Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member - Page 2 Empty Re: Recommendations for Buying Pistol from forum member

Post by kjanracing Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:50 pm

I’ve bought a lot of firearms online. My method has always worked: send money, get gun.  I’ve never had any problem.

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Location : Arvada, Colorado

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