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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by SW-52 1/22/2018, 11:08 am

i found this curious tool on internet and is discontinued. what alternatives for this tool for repair a little strike on my HS barrel chamber. https://www.brownells.com/gunsmith-tools-supplies/handgun-tools/chamber-tools/22-chamber-ironing-tool-prod8869.aspx

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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Re: Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by jglenn21 1/22/2018, 1:10 pm

if they really are discontinued that's a bummer.. that tool has been around for years and works...

I do remember many "old" time smiths would use a long punch inserted into the chamber to peen the pin strike back in place.. the taper does the work.

Also Brownells had an article years ago in either Gunsmith Kinks or their Newsletter many years back  about using a #1 drill bit(.228 in Dia.) then cutting a flat in the base  a bit shorter than chamber length.. after cutting it you'd roll the edge a bit to smooth them out..  inserting the tool with the flat  against the peened area then twisting it would swag the are back the same as the Merik tool.. Today I'd use a pin gauge for that purpose if I had to make one.. 

I'd suggest searching your local Smiths for one that has the Merik tool

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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Re: Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by SW-52 1/23/2018, 7:11 am

jglenn21 wrote:if they really are discontinued that's a bummer.. that tool has been around for years and works...

I do remember many "old" time smiths would use a long punch inserted into the chamber to peen the pin strike back in place.. the taper does the work.

Also Brownells had an article years ago in either Gunsmith Kinks or their Newsletter many years back  about using a #1 drill bit(.228 in Dia.) then cutting a flat in the base  a bit shorter than chamber length.. after cutting it you'd roll the edge a bit to smooth them out..  inserting the tool with the flat  against the peened area then twisting it would swag the are back the same as the Merik tool.. Today I'd use a pin gauge for that purpose if I had to make one.. 

I'd suggest searching your local Smiths for one that has the Merik tool

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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Re: Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by lyman1903 1/23/2018, 3:42 pm

jglenn21 wrote:if they really are discontinued that's a bummer.. that tool has been around for years and works...

I do remember many "old" time smiths would use a long punch inserted into the chamber to peen the pin strike back in place.. the taper does the work.

Also Brownells had an article years ago in either Gunsmith Kinks or their Newsletter many years back  about using a #1 drill bit(.228 in Dia.) then cutting a flat in the base  a bit shorter than chamber length.. after cutting it you'd roll the edge a bit to smooth them out..  inserting the tool with the flat  against the peened area then twisting it would swag the are back the same as the Merik tool.. Today I'd use a pin gauge for that purpose if I had to make one.. 

I'd suggest searching your local Smiths for one that has the Merik tool

I have used the long punch method years ago to fix a couple of High Standard HD's , worked very well,  just go slow and easy

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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Re: Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by Saladman 1/24/2018, 12:33 am

Would this kind of "fix" affect the original accuracy at all?


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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Re: Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by Jon Eulette 1/24/2018, 1:59 am

Shouldn't effect it. It's at rear of chamber. Basically just removing the deformation from the firing pin strike on the edge of the chamber. You'd be surprised at how many RF pistols have this problem.
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Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives Empty Re: Tom Menck ironing tool alternatives

Post by Jack H 1/24/2018, 2:54 am

Some get the extractor groove kinked in too. 

I saw a tool like the Menck made from a long taper punch.  Cut off at the right spot, flatted and polished.  The shank was hex so a box wrench turned it easy.  I have my own Menck.  Works great.  On a HS Olympic, the soft aluminum slide let the firing pin forward (extractor too) and made a crater dimple in the barrel.  I straightened it out and it shot fine. 
On the early Marvel I had the extractor grove kept bending in.  I believe they fixed that with a straight cut in the barrel and reshape the extractor head.  Is this so?
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