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The Korth pistol.

Chris Miceli
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The Korth pistol. Empty The Korth pistol.

Post by Amati 1/25/2018, 7:05 pm

Well done video about this stunning fixed barrel .45 pistol.



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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 1/25/2018, 7:33 pm

Old news

Chris Miceli

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Amati 1/25/2018, 8:43 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:Old news
Apologies. I know it's been talked about for some time but the video is new to me and I thought I'd share. Sorry.


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by mpolans 1/25/2018, 9:54 pm

Cool video.


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by willnewton 1/25/2018, 10:24 pm

Sorry, Chris is not supposed to troll anyone with less than 100 posts unless they talk about measuring their crimp size in .0001”.

He must have some really good vibes about you and decided to start your initiation a bit early.

Welcome to the forum!


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Tim:H11 1/26/2018, 5:44 am

willnewton wrote:Sorry, Chris is not supposed to troll anyone with less than 100 posts unless they talk about measuring their crimp size in .0001”.

He must have some really good vibes about you and decided to start your initiation a bit early.

 Welcome to the forum!


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Slartybartfast 1/26/2018, 6:57 am

If you understand French and metric:

Just watched it by skipping through quickly. Seems to be capable of 32mm @ 25m ignoring issues he had with vertical aiming.

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Amati 1/26/2018, 7:57 am

Slartybartfast wrote:Seems to be capable of 32mm @ 25m ignoring issues he had with vertical aiming.

He said the sights couldn't be adjusted to shoot lower and so he had to leave a white line under the black. Were it not for that, the vertical spacing of the groups would've been smaller. Earlier he said that a top quality linked barrel would be capable of similar precision.

My impression is of a $50K Patek Philippe in an ocean of Casios.


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Slartybartfast 1/26/2018, 8:27 am


A Casio or a Patek Philippe both tell time with more accuracy than anyone needs.

Does a Korth deliver better performance or accuracy for the close to 6000$CAN (and several months wait) they cost?

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Wobbley 1/26/2018, 12:22 pm

Another view. https://youtu.be/g9jg1K8EHIA

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Wobbley 1/26/2018, 12:25 pm

Slartybartfast wrote:https://wanstallscustom.com/korth-prs-6-1911-45acp.html

A Casio or a Patek Philippe both tell time with more accuracy than anyone needs.

Does a Korth deliver better performance or accuracy for the close to 6000$CAN (and several months wait) they cost?

IMO, for 6000, I’d opt for a full all up high end custom 1911. With that you’d be able to get a pistol with an accuracy guarantee and a trigger second to none.

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Bullseye_Stan 1/26/2018, 1:30 pm

John Moses Browning was a firearms genius.  I don't believe that is an exaggeration or overstatement.  That's not to say he was the only one, but the Korth design is not one that impresses me regarding accuracy or reliability.

Once everyone scrambles to infringe on their patent (if one exists) or copy that design, then I'll take more notice to fully understand the design detail differences (and that's all there is) that makes the Korth a superior pistol.  One thing that stands out in my evaluation is that the sights are on the slide, but the barrel is fixed to the frame.  The 'better' designs (IMO) have the sights on the slide and the barrel fitted to the slide or the sights on the frame and the barrel fitted to the frame.


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Slartybartfast 1/26/2018, 4:32 pm

Bullseye_Stan wrote:Once everyone scrambles to infringe on their patent (if one exists) or copy that design, then I'll take more notice to fully understand the design detail differences (and that's all there is) that makes the Korth a superior pistol.
Roller delayed design isn't new and the Korth isn't the only one to use it.
Previous roller delayed pistols include the CZ 52. 
Roller delayed or other delay mechanism with fixed barrel compared to Browning drop-barrel short action is more than "design detail differences".

Had to edit because a list of pistols I used wasn't accurate.

And as for fit, as the barrel doesn't tilt, the slide to barrel fit can be very precise.

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 1/26/2018, 5:55 pm

Slartybartfast wrote:
Bullseye_Stan wrote:Once everyone scrambles to infringe on their patent (if one exists) or copy that design, then I'll take more notice to fully understand the design detail differences (and that's all there is) that makes the Korth a superior pistol.
Roller delayed design isn't new and the Korth isn't the only one to use it.
Previous roller delayed pistols include the CZ 52. 
Roller delayed or other delay mechanism with fixed barrel compared to Browning drop-barrel short action is more than "design detail differences".

Had to edit because a list of pistols I used wasn't accurate.

And as for fit, as the barrel doesn't tilt, the slide to barrel fit can be very precise.
i think its worth trying out, if pardini could make the GT45 in single stack id try that as well.

Chris Miceli

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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by Bullseye_Stan 1/26/2018, 6:34 pm

These guys will import a Korth PRS 45 1911 for ~ 6k ($5588.57 @ 6 months lead time): https://wanstallscustom.com/korth-prs-6-1911-45acp.html - it's interesting they call it a 1911.

I'd be interested in what the slogan "World-famous Korth Waffen of Germany has been manufacturing the finest luxury-grade handguns for decades." translates into a target pistol?  Do they hold any world records or have any other credentials?

As an aside, browsing the internet the M42 WWII German machine gun appears to be one of the first uses of the roller delay design.  The M42 was the basis for the USA M60 squad machine gun (but the roller design didn't make it into the M60) which replaced the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR).  Nothing has replaced the Browning M2 .50 cal (yet) for the US.


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by mpolans 1/27/2018, 12:17 pm

Bullseye_Stan wrote:These guys will import a Korth PRS 45 1911 for ~ 6k ($5588.57 @ 6 months lead time): https://wanstallscustom.com/korth-prs-6-1911-45acp.html - it's interesting they call it a 1911.

I'd be interested in what the slogan "World-famous Korth Waffen of Germany has been manufacturing the finest luxury-grade handguns for decades." translates into a target pistol?  Do they hold any world records or have any other credentials?

As an aside, browsing the internet the M42 WWII German machine gun appears to be one of the first uses of the roller delay design.  The M42 was the basis for the USA M60 squad machine gun (but the roller design didn't make it into the M60) which replaced the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR).  Nothing has replaced the Browning M2 .50 cal (yet) for the US.
I’m guessing you haven’t heard of Korth revolvers.


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The Korth pistol. Empty Re: The Korth pistol.

Post by rich.tullo 2/1/2018, 10:26 pm

I would need to shoot and heard they are unreliable. Parts availability will be an issue. 

If you want an alternative to a 1911 I have been told the CZ97 with a 1911 bushing is an option. 

My KC crawford just printed under 1.5 inches from a bench rest I cannot imagine anything doing much better than that. 

And while printing is important, and Korth revolver triggers are legendary trigger is important too maybe more important than how it prints.

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