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Timer for practice

Oleg G
Allen Barnett
Chris Miceli
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Timer for practice Empty Timer for practice

Post by Boxturtle 1/28/2018, 2:55 pm

Hello Folks,

Would you recommend a timer for practicing timed and rapid fire?  I would like to be able to push a button and have a few seconds before the countdown begins.  Then a tone would signify the start, and another 10 or 20 seconds later would indicate the end. 

Thanks, Tom


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by zanemoseley 1/28/2018, 3:16 pm

Use your phone. Download the free Bullseye Timer app. Best yet buy some Bluetooth worktunes headphones so you can hear it better while protecting your hearing.


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by dronning 1/28/2018, 4:32 pm

zanemoseley wrote:Use your phone. Download the free Bullseye Timer app. Best yet buy some Bluetooth worktunes headphones so you can hear it better while protecting your hearing.
I use the Bullseye Range Cammands app by David Divins and a Jam Classic Bluetooth wireless speaker when several of us want to practice together.  I have electronic ear muffs I use that have an input for when I shoot alone.



- Dave

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Boxturtle 1/28/2018, 4:37 pm

No smart phone.  Old stick in the mud.  Still like old things like flip phones and M1911 pistols. Smile


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by zanemoseley 1/28/2018, 5:05 pm

I suppose there's not much chance of you having a tablet either then huh...


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by 243winxb 1/28/2018, 5:21 pm

Record the whole list of voice commands for timed and rapid. Just like your the range officer. 

Worked in the 1970s when i wanted to shoot also. Only 12 people on the line, indoors 50 feet range.

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by fc60 1/28/2018, 6:09 pm


I used to use one of these...


Search eBay for one. They show up occasionally.

Sort of like an old fashioned egg timer. You wind it past start and when ready, you nudge it a bit until the timer starts moving.

Two settings. Rapid and Timed Fire. An audible bell dings at the start and end of the sequence.



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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by john bickar 1/28/2018, 9:27 pm

Boxturtle wrote:No smart phone.  Old stick in the mud.  Still like old things like flip phones and M1911 pistols. Smile

I use a PACT timer (more commonly seen at USPSA/IPSC matches) that I picked up about 15 years ago. I've been through 4 or 5 phones in that timeframe. I don't like to depend on smartphone apps at a shooting range for a number of reasons.
john bickar
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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Doug Tiedt 1/28/2018, 10:04 pm

Boxturtle wrote:No smart phone.  Old stick in the mud.  Still like old things like flip phones and M1911 pistols. Smile

From one old stick in the mud to another, what about a $10 kitchen timer?

Set it to 25 seconds, or 15 seconds.  Go through the range commands in your head.  At the start of the
"Ready on firing line" press the button on the timer.  Approximately five seconds later, start your string.
Is it exact to the millisecond?  No.  But it cost about 10 dollars.

Doug Tiedt

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Chris Miceli 1/28/2018, 10:15 pm


Chris Miceli

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Boxturtle 1/29/2018, 7:52 am

Doug Tiedt wrote:
Boxturtle wrote:No smart phone.  Old stick in the mud.  Still like old things like flip phones and M1911 pistols. Smile

From one old stick in the mud to another, what about a $10 kitchen timer?

Hi Doug,

That's what I'm using now.  Something like the PACT would be an improvement.

Thanks, Tom


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Tim:H11 1/29/2018, 8:03 am

I use the Bullseye app on my smart phone but I also have one of those old cook timer looking timers for TF and RF. I like it. Works good.

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Dr.Don 1/29/2018, 9:36 am

The smart phone APP has a couple of advantages in my opinion.  You get the full set of range commands, not just the timing buzzer.  You also can set it for drills (2 sec, 3 sec, etc.) to practice getting off the first shot.  Finally, when paired with good electronic muffs you don't bother anyone else on the range because they don't hear it.  I use one all the time.

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by KB2MBC 1/29/2018, 12:58 pm

Many years ago I purchased a digital dictation recorder from Staples and recorded all the range commands. Later on I recorded extra commands for doing things like 1 & 2 shot drills. A lot easier to use than a phone. Cost around $35 back then

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Boxturtle 4/5/2020, 8:51 am

dronning wrote:
zanemoseley wrote:Use your phone. Download the free Bullseye Timer app. Best yet buy some Bluetooth worktunes headphones so you can hear it better while protecting your hearing.
I use the Bullseye Range Cammands app by David Divins and a Jam Classic Bluetooth wireless speaker when several of us want to practice together.  I have electronic ear muffs I use that have an input for when I shoot alone.



- Dave
Hi Folks,

I am very fortunate to be able to tele-work.  One of the conditions my employer imposed is I must be immediately accessible, and so I was forced to trade in my flip phone for a smart phone.  The link for the Android bullseye command app above directs in a dead site.

Is there an application for the Android phone?

Thanks, Tom


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Guest 4/5/2020, 9:05 am

For the Android app. Go to the Google play store. Search Bullseye Timer


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Allen Barnett 4/5/2020, 3:50 pm

Downloaded the timer yesterday after reading about here.  Went to the range today forgot my bluetooth ears buds but found a set of old school hard wired buds in the truck.  That timer works great!!!  Thank you guys for the information, it worked great and I really like the fact that it has the complete command chain starting with the load command.  It really helps to practice the way you are going to shoot in a real match.

Allen Barnett

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by mikemargolis 4/7/2020, 8:46 pm

Also, I can highly recommend the 3M Peltor 500 bluetooth earmuffs. They are great noise cancelling muffs, and then you can bluetooth in range commands or Vivaldi!


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by dronning 4/7/2020, 10:28 pm

mikemargolis wrote:Also, I can highly recommend the 3M Peltor 500 bluetooth earmuffs. They are great noise cancelling muffs, and then you can bluetooth in range commands or Vivaldi!
+1 Then add the gel ear pads to them = AWESOME!  They are hard to snap in place, be patient they are worth it in the end.
- Dave

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by mikemargolis 4/8/2020, 8:18 am

dronning wrote:+1 Then add the gel ear pads to them = AWESOME!  They are hard to snap in place, be patient they are worth it in the end.
- Dave

Interesting... I have hesitated on spending $50 for gel pads for earmuffs that are $100. Thanks for the recommendation.


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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by Aprilian 4/8/2020, 8:33 am

Can someone post a link to the gel ear pads?

On my 3M Peltor 500's I still wear earplugs underneath (necessary when someone next to you is blasting a rifle at 25').  Turning my phone up all the way and the outside sounds down all the way make the bullseye app commands very easy to hear.

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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by mikemargolis 4/8/2020, 8:48 am

I'd be interested to hear Dave (dronning) opinion on this, since he actually has them.

The ones that have been on my Amazon watch list are these:



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Timer for practice Empty Re: Timer for practice

Post by dronning 4/8/2020, 8:59 am

Aprilian wrote:Can someone post a link to the gel ear pads?

These are the ones I have on my Peltor Sport Tactical 500.  There are cheaper ones out there but be careful to read the descriptions and comments some of the cheaper ones won't fit.  They are so comfortable after putting the gel pads on I've actually forgot I had the muffs on and walked out of the range to my truck with them on.  Very comfortable even with my range glasses with the thick bows which use to bother me at the indoor range after about an hour of continuous use.  I've had them for 2 years.

- Dave

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Post by mikemargolis 4/8/2020, 9:19 am

Just pulled the trigger (so to speak) as Honey informed me there were some for $46 instead of $55



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Post by Aprilian 4/8/2020, 10:01 am

Thanks both!   I ordered them from Mike's link.

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