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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Steve B
Jack H
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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Founder 6/15/2012, 6:57 pm

I have decided to take up DR and Harry Reeves matches. Did some research and found positive feedback on these Hornaday bullets. Picked up a K-38 6" Target Masterpiece.

Has anyone shot these specific bullets and if so what would be your powder recommendation?



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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Jack H 6/15/2012, 8:55 pm

Recall Jerry K 148 info here

158 load - I am also wondering...
Jack H
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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Founder 6/16/2012, 9:17 pm

Thanks Jack. It seems the 158 is the unicorn or loads! Heard of but never seen. From my research it appears no one has been able to match the accuracy of factory match ammo.

I will continue to search for the unicorn as I am too cheap to buy ammo I can make for much less. If I find the mystical beast I will let you know.


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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Steve B 6/16/2012, 10:41 pm

Jack H wrote:Recall Jerry K 148 info here

158 load - I am also wondering...

Any way to get that post 'stickied'?

Steve B

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Founder 6/16/2012, 11:34 pm

Done, good idea! I could only sticky the whole thread.

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by inthebeech 6/18/2012, 11:50 am

I am the guy who started that older thread and yes the 148 (though I settled on the messy, old Remmingtons rather than the Hornady's so I can't comment on the 148's that you want to shoot, though te Rem's are actually phenominal in my 14-2.

But if you are also curious about 158's I can at least share that the Lyman 3582429 (which is actually 162gr with #2 alloy) is nearly as amazing in that same Model 14 for me. As unusual as it sounds because slower powders are usually recommended for heavy bullets, my load is 4.1 gr Bullseye. Though the bullet nose is very long (can't crimp in the groove of my 357 Blackhawk) you can still crimp in the groove with cylinder length to spare in the Smith.

As it is not a HB, the commandments of proper hardness, sizing diameter, groove diameter, cylinder throat diameter, bla bla bla need to be honored.

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Founder 6/22/2012, 8:47 am

I spent some time at the range yesterday with my Model 14. I forgot the arms and light screens for my chronograph so I do not have those details. Here are my findings with the 148g Zero LHBWC 2.8g WST with a COAL of 1.16 and a roll crimp worked very well at 50 and 25 yards. Real soft and no leading. I also loaded some 158g Hornady LSWC with 3.2g WST, COAL of 1.45 with a slight taper crimp (.005). These were also very soft and acceptable accuracy at 50 and 25 yards.

I had with me a box each of the Remington 148g LWC and 158g LSWC. I shot both and they were accurate but I felt the WST loads were softer and just about as accurate. For my DR and Harry Reeves shooting I will be going with the WST loads.

If I remember to take all of my chronograph to the range next time I will collect the data and post it here.

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Paper-Puncher 6/22/2012, 3:18 pm

Ive been working with Hornady 158gr LSWC's myself..and Ive tryed 3.2 & 3.4 BE and both where 1.75 -2.0 at 25yds and I also used 3.0gr 700x for about the same size group ( 2-5 shot groups 1.75 c-t-c)....Now here is what doesnt make alot of sense the 3.0gr 700x made 1 raged hole @ 50ft for about 5/8's of a inch ..how it the heck can a load go from 5/8'' to like 1.75'' in 25ft.....I believe when I get more of those bullets I will work alittle more with the 700x ....But I should have my 148gr Magnus HBWC tommorow so that is what I'm gonna work on the most for now...I'm not haveing alot of luck with 158's ...but I have hope the 148's will shoot acceptable enuff for me @ 50ft and 25yds..I I look at the best part of each group it is about 1 1/4 ..beening I'm just shooting of a mtm rest and not a ransom...its possible I'm getting some sighting error and or human error....But I think the gun will be a good gun for my needs ..but 158's are a tad finiky...I look forward to the 148gr HBWC and a 2.8gr load of BE....


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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Founder 6/22/2012, 4:35 pm

I completed my chronograph testing today and here are the results with my Smith & Wesson Model 14 K-38 Target masterpiece. 80* Sunny with 15mph sustained cross wind.

HBLCW - 148gr Zero 1.16 OAL roll crimp I will attempt to provide a measurement for the roll crimp in my next update.

Tite Group
2.4gr - 715.86 FPS STDEV 31.16
2.6gr - 746.48 FPS STDEV 23.67
2.4gr - 768.00 FPS STDEV 36.60

3.2gr - 679.80 FPS STDEV 33.41

2.6gr - 702.60 FPS STDEV 15.84
2.8gr - 774.08 FPS STDEV 16.86

Remington Express Target 148gr LWC
730.72 FPS STDEV 11.54

Now the 158gr Hornady LSWC OAL 1.45 slight taper crimp

3.2gr - 658.77 FPS STDEV 15.25

3.8gr - 622.69 FPS STDEV 27.96

Remington Express Target 158gr LSWC
803.19 FPS STDEV 21.17

One thing that really stands out here is the consistency of the WST! That is the powder I am going to work with. It shoots soft has a sweet smell to it and no noted leading with either one of these bullets.

These were all off a bag (so I would not hit my chronograph) and shot at 50 yards. I was not looking for group size and to be honest with you I am not going to be overly concerned with group size. These are for DR and Harry Reeves Matches shot 30 rounds at a time. If they hold the black at 50 that is good enough for me. I want consistent recoil, ignition and reliability. The 100 rounds that were used for this session were all shot on one 50 yard repair center. I was not trying to group these just get the hammer to drop when the sights were in alignment within my aiming area (I was looking for real world results). Scoring 100 shots on a target is not easy, 888 out of 1000 in a sustained 15 mph cross wind and I was only trying to hit the repair center and have not even zeroed this revolver. If I can shoot 88+ at 50 yards off hand 25 yards will take care of itself and DR points should be obtainable for me. I will shoot a NMC perhaps next week if I have time and see if it scores like I feel it will.

Ok thats it for a while on my load quest for 38spl.
For 148gr Zero HBLWC I will be using 2.6gr WST and for 158gr Hornady LSWC I will be using 3.2gr WST.


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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by 9146gt 6/22/2012, 5:32 pm

Do you have to shoot the 158 Gn load in the DR matches?




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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Larry Lang 6/22/2012, 5:37 pm

9146gt wrote:Do you have to shoot the 158 Gn load in the DR matches?


Yes. Either LRN or SWC.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by Scott Carroll 6/25/2012, 12:22 pm

Like Joe I have become a fan of WST both for the .45 but also for the .38. For 148gr cast wad cutters I am having very good results with 2.8gr WST. They shoot great at 25yds and really don't do too bad at 50yds.
For my DR ammo I am still working with WST, however, my go to load will be the Zero 158gr swaged SWC over 3.4gr of Titegroup. This load when shot from sandbags with a 7X scope on a S&W 14-3 produced 5Xs,3-10s and 2-9s which just squeaked out. Some of this had to be shooter error. This last Thurs I shot 20 of my soft cast bullets over 3.4gr of Titegroup, slow fire at 50yds and they all held the black with a high 9 & 10 count. It also told me I need to bring my sights down a couple more clicks.

Scott Carroll

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

Post by AllAces 6/29/2012, 7:44 am

My recommendation for DR handloads is Penn Bullets 158 gr LSWC match grade with N320 powder.

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Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.  Empty Re: Hornaday 148 HBWC or 158 SWC.

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