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Red dot sights, need information

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Red dot sights, need information Empty Red dot sights, need information

Post by CrankyThunder Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:32 pm

Ok, not bullseye related but I have a ruger redhawk 44 mag that I want to put a red dot on it.  

I have the 30 mm ruger proprietary rings. want to find a 30 mm red dot that will work.  

I know that the aimpoint 9000L and the 9000sc will not work, center bulge is too long to fit between the rings. 

Ultra dot 2 will not work either.  I have one of all of these red dots.  

Looking at the sightron 30 mm red dot.  looks like it may work.  

Anybody have a red dot that has a narrow center "sail" and could measure it to let me know if it would work?  Tempted to order the red dot from Optics planet with a generous return policy but figured you guys would be able to help me out. 


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Red dot sights, need information Empty Re: Red dot sights, need information

Post by Chris Miceli Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:35 pm

regular ultradot not the match dot?

Chris Miceli

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Red dot sights, need information Empty Re: Red dot sights, need information

Post by LenV Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:03 pm

I have a lot of dots and couldn't find one that fit on the Super Blackhawk. I ended up putting a Leupold on it because it was the only thing that fit. I hope you find a dot that fits.

Red dot sights, need information Dscf0816

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