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Ruger GP 100 for BE?

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Ruger GP 100 for BE? Empty Ruger GP 100 for BE?

Post by kjanracing Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:28 pm

Does anyone shoot a GP 100 for matches? I have a 14, I don’t NEED another gun.  Thought I’d ask...

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Ruger GP 100 for BE? Empty Re: Ruger GP 100 for BE?

Post by rich.tullo Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:31 pm

You could they are accurate but need trigger work.

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Ruger GP 100 for BE? Empty Re: Ruger GP 100 for BE?

Post by desben Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:22 am

I see them on the line at ISSF center fire matches. They don't do better or worse than the Smith. The couple I tried had a tiny little step in their trigger, even single action. It is otherwise a fine trigger, better than any stock auto.

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Ruger GP 100 for BE? Empty Re: Ruger GP 100 for BE?

Post by Bullseye_Stan Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:17 am

I have a 1704 which is the blued 4140 steel 6" GP100 revolver.  I put in a Wolff trigger return spring, shimmed up the internals (using triggershims.com) and the trigger is better than my stock S&W 586.  I figure its good to use as a hammer, crow bar/pry tool, chock, digging tool, etc. as well as fire 38/357 magnum cartridges.  Not that I'm the survivalist type, but those are my observations.  It's a sturdy revolver.  I haven't actually shot it. 

Not to start a contentious discussion - because I won't be a part of that - but my experiences and opinion of Ruger firearms is rather low regarding quality control.  There are rumors Ruger wants to become a competitive firearms manufacture.  If so, they need some major restructuring and refocus to get there IMO.  The GP100 is a reasonably good design, just not so well manufactured - which isn't to say one can't get 'lucky'.   The one I picked up at a gun show is OK, but careful inspection is very prudent before purchase.  YMMV, etc.


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