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Grip on 1911?

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Grip on 1911? Empty Grip on 1911?

Post by Jon Math 2/8/2018, 10:25 am

I started shooting an ISSF grip on my .22 instead of the swept shelf I could legally use, because even though I shoot a lot more NRA gallery and bulls eye events, I did hope to have opportunity to shoot ISSF events enough that I did not want to have to learn two pistols.   All I can find is ISSF Air Pistol and Free Pistol events in my local area so I may add the upswept shelf to the .22 at the end of my indoor season.

Because of the differences in CMP and NRA rules concerning grips on the 1911 is someone starting out better off shooting slab grips for all their 1911 work, or are you giving too much of an advantage by not using an orthopedic grip when legal?
Jon Math
Jon Math

Posts : 289
Join date : 2016-12-05
Age : 64
Location : Mass.

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