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Shoulder Position

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Shoulder Position Empty Shoulder Position

Post by Mikey v83 Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:05 pm

I have noticed some shooters seem to raise their shoulder very high, almost up around their ear. The top shooter in our league does this and recently I have been watching some Olympic shooters and noticed several of them do this also. I wonder if it aids in consistent head placement or something like that. Does anyone have any insight on why this might be or is it just certain body types that this is natural for?

Thanks in advance for any info.


Mikey v83

Posts : 9
Join date : 2012-06-18

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Shoulder Position Empty Re: Shoulder Position

Post by Al Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:08 am

I also use a high shoulder position. Mainly due to noticing that I drop my head when shooting and lose sight position. When I use a high shoulder I can perch my chin on the shoulder & it forces me to maintain my head position.


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