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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by desben 2/22/2018, 12:51 pm

I'm a firm believer in firmly gripping your pistol. When doing so with a Ruger, I find that the sharp latch for the main spring digs into my palm and gets very uncomfortable. Am I the only one? I'm thinking I need to build some kind of removable plug to fill the gap around it and make the back smooth... What would you use?

Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Ruger_10

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Location : Ontario, Canada

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Re: Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 2/22/2018, 1:17 pm

make a sleeve out of an inner tube?

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Re: Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by desben 2/22/2018, 1:41 pm

Not a bad idea... I think I have some small heat-shrink tubing I could use. That should take the edge off.

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Re: Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by Jack H 2/22/2018, 3:52 pm

Stick a piece of skate, stair tape over the backstrap.  Your grip will like it.  Cut more pieces for when you strip it down.
Jack H
Jack H

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Re: Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by Vociferous 2/22/2018, 8:02 pm

Be sure to put the skateboard tape over the backstrap, but not under the grips.  There is a pin, it has a large head on it, that is held in place with the left side grip.  If the grip isn't tight to frame it will float out on the other side, causing trigger problems.  You could put a small piece of tape in the cutout for the pin, in the grip, to alleviate it.  I put tape under the grip and noodled out why the trigger wouldn't work.  It should have been obvious, but for me, it wasn't.

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Re: Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by lyman1903 2/25/2018, 5:22 pm

Jack H wrote:Stick a piece of skate, stair tape over the backstrap.  Your grip will like it.  Cut more pieces for when you strip it down.


curious tho,

is the tip bent, have a burr or something similar?
you may be able to dress it up with a fine file or stone,

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Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing Empty Re: Uncomfortable Ruger main spring housing

Post by desben 2/26/2018, 8:56 am

Thank you everyone; I'll try the grip tape.

lyman1903; no burr or anything on the pin, but it is rather pointy. I think I make matters worse in the manner I grip my pistol. I bring my hand really high, digging into the web between my thumb and index, and then lower to get my fingers around.

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Location : Ontario, Canada

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