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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Chris Miceli
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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by Mike38 2/25/2018, 5:24 pm

Couldn't find the answer, so I ask here. Is placing a small piece of sports tape, or a bandaid on the web of your shooting hand between the thumb and forefinger allowed, or is it a violation of the rules under artificial support? I put a set of Vitabro grips on a Ruger MkII back up pistol. The grips force the hand upwards, which is a good thing, it lowers the bore line. But in doing so, the top of the mainspring housing digs into the web of my hand. I put a piece of sports tape directly on the pistol, but would like another on my skin. Thanks.

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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by Chris Miceli 2/25/2018, 5:57 pm

Artificial support.

Chris Miceli

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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by daflorc 2/25/2018, 6:25 pm

Mike38 wrote:Couldn't find the answer, so I ask here. Is placing a small piece of sports tape, or a bandaid on the web of your shooting hand between the thumb and forefinger allowed, or is it a violation of the rules under artificial support? I put a set of Vitabro grips on a Ruger MkII back up pistol. The grips force the hand upwards, which is a good thing, it lowers the bore line. But in doing so, the top of the mainspring housing digs into the web of my hand. I put a piece of sports tape directly on the pistol, but would like another on my skin. Thanks.

If you shoot it enough, you'll grow callouses in that area of your hand, and it won't bother you anymore.


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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by CR10X 2/25/2018, 7:05 pm

A small bandage would generally be allowed, you might need to show cut, bruise or other indication of need.  Nothing encircling the wrists  or hand (without previous approval) or anything providing artificial support such as a glove.  Best to put the tape on the gun. Or grind on the gun some to clean up the issue. 



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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by Mike38 2/26/2018, 5:17 pm

Thanks for the replies. Kind of what I figured, so I put double thick sports tape directly on the back strap / mainspring assembly. Much more comfortable now.

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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by SSgtG 2/28/2018, 9:46 am

Actually, when reading the rule book, section 5, positions, there is no mention of tape on the hand being an issue. I don't believe it could be construed as artificial support, it couldn't be thought of as a glove so I fail to see why you couldn't do this. I think any match director that called this "artificial support" better get some treatment for his OCD.


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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by Jon Math 2/28/2018, 3:15 pm

SSgtG wrote:Actually, when reading the rule book, section 5, positions, there is no mention of tape on the hand being an issue. I don't believe it could be construed as artificial support, it couldn't be thought of as a glove so I fail to see why you couldn't do this. I think any match director that called this "artificial support" better get some treatment for his OCD.

It depends on the person doing the taping.  I could easily tape a hand and wrist with the end result being as supportive as a plaster cast. But just a piece at the webbing of the fingers I agree that is protective not supportive.
Jon Math
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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by jmdavis 2/28/2018, 3:20 pm

Anything around the shooting wrist, including a heavy watch is illegal.

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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by Jack H 2/28/2018, 3:34 pm

Just stick a tape or leather over the offending area.  There is no rule against building up your grip.
Jack H
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Taping shooting hand? Rules question.  Empty Re: Taping shooting hand? Rules question.

Post by Blsi2600 2/28/2018, 4:50 pm

No wound.  No tape.


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