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Please educate me about 32ACP

Chris Miceli
Jon Eulette
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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by javaduke 3/5/2018, 2:13 pm

First topic message reminder :

Well, I'm trying to get an idea if I even want. to go down this path. So I'm thinking about getting a Pardini in 32ACP and have a few questions:

1. Is it true that 32ACP is more accurate than 32S&W? 
2. Are there good factory loads that shoot well in Pardini?
3. What are the good load recipes (if possible, with Alliant BE powder, since I use it for my 45 and 38 and just don't want to mess with multiple different powders).


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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Toz35m 3/9/2018, 4:52 pm

I just found it.  The last post on Page 8 posted by dipnet


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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by tray999 3/13/2018, 10:11 am

I use Fiocchi Extrema XTP 32ACP 60 gain in my Pardini HP with great results with a factory load.  I have not yet set-up to reload 32ACP.....

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by fc60 3/13/2018, 1:07 pm


"I use Fiocchi Extrema XTP 32ACP 60 gain in my Pardini HP with great results"

Please elaborate on "Great Results". 1" ten shot groups at 50 yards? 2", 3"?

How did you test the ammo? Random Rest or Sandbags?



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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Slartybartfast 3/14/2018, 9:04 am

RJP wrote:32 ACP shoots a more aerodynamically stable bullet compared to the wad cutter of the 32 SWLong.

Pardon my ignorance, but could a pistol used to shoot .32 SW Long wadcutters not be used to shoot .32 SW Long roundnose?
Would round nose regain the accuracy lost over 50 yards by the wadcutter?
Or are there other issues?

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Toz35m 3/14/2018, 9:07 am

Slartybartfast wrote:
RJP wrote:32 ACP shoots a more aerodynamically stable bullet compared to the wad cutter of the 32 SWLong.

Pardon my ignorance, but could a pistol used to shoot .32 SW Long wadcutters not be used to shoot .32 SW Long roundnose?
Would round nose regain the accuracy lost over 50 yards by the wadcutter?
Or are there other issues?

Some guns can be converted.  The case is different so it is not as easy as just loading a different bullet in the mag. I wish it was.

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Slartybartfast 3/14/2018, 9:12 am

fc60 wrote:Pardini Factory barrel fired at 50 yards via barrel tester.

Hornady 60XTP Custom commercial ammo.
Looks like nice accuracy.
To second the question about how the velocity might affect the results, I'm wondering is some combination of chronograph and target app such as the one that is used by the TargetVision family of products couldn't associate the velocity with the round on target.
Saw a video some time ago with someone comparing a SCATT live fire system with results on an electronic target to review the SCATT system. Immediately thought that the two should be easy to combine. Add a chronograph and you'd have most (all?) of the controllable variables, besides the ammunition QA, for the analysis of each shot. 
Best start a new thread if anyone is going to discuss this though.

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Chris Miceli 3/14/2018, 9:52 am

Slartybartfast wrote:
RJP wrote:32 ACP shoots a more aerodynamically stable bullet compared to the wad cutter of the 32 SWLong.

Pardon my ignorance, but could a pistol used to shoot .32 SW Long wadcutters not be used to shoot .32 SW Long roundnose?
Would round nose regain the accuracy lost over 50 yards by the wadcutter?
Or are there other issues?
target 32 s&w L are chambered for wad cutter. 50 yard x ring group accuracy can be had in 32 s&w L. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

Chris Miceli

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Slartybartfast 3/14/2018, 10:47 am

Chris Miceli wrote:target 32 s&w L are chambered for wad cutter. 50 yard x ring group accuracy can be had in 32 s&w L. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
This is what makes getting into any sport so frustrating at times. So many old experts that teach and stand by "common knowledge" and the outliers that say otherwise. :p Fun then ensues when you question the orthodoxy...

Did find this thread:

So, if the target in the post below is possible from a factory Benelli barrel, why isn't the same accuracy possible from a Pardini factory barrel?
And if it is, why wouldn't Pardini/Benelli or any others interested in the USA Bullseye market not publish some results with loads or factory ammunition to sell more pistols?

Is it just that they decided that battling the orthodoxy on .32L beliefs just wasn't worth the effort if they could sell pistols by simply catering to the beliefs?

Found this interesting article discussing reloading the .32L

And I find myself once again apologising that this should be probably taken to another thread.

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Chris Miceli 3/14/2018, 11:12 am

Slartybartfast wrote:
Chris Miceli wrote:target 32 s&w L are chambered for wad cutter. 50 yard x ring group accuracy can be had in 32 s&w L. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
This is what makes getting into any sport so frustrating at times. So many old experts that teach and stand by "common knowledge" and the outliers that say otherwise. :p Fun then ensues when you question the orthodoxy...

Did find this thread:

So, if the target in the post below is possible from a factory Benelli barrel, why isn't the same accuracy possible from a Pardini factory barrel?
And if it is, why wouldn't Pardini/Benelli or any others interested in the USA Bullseye market not publish some results with loads or factory ammunition to sell more pistols?

Is it just that they decided that battling the orthodoxy on .32L beliefs just wasn't worth the effort if they could sell pistols by simply catering to the beliefs?

Found this interesting article discussing reloading the .32L

And I find myself once again apologising that this should be probably taken to another thread.
i don't speak for the brands, so no clue.  

the 32 s&w L requires some nice bullets which at times can be difficult to find. Or you can make them yourself.
 32acp jhp available from a us manufacturer . 

the 32acp pardini was the answer to the cries from bullseye shooters that believed the 32 s&w L wasn't good enough.

Chris Miceli

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by tray999 3/14/2018, 11:32 am

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

"I use Fiocchi Extrema XTP 32ACP 60 gain in my Pardini HP with great results"

Please elaborate on "Great Results". 1" ten shot groups at 50 yards? 2", 3"?

How did you test the ammo? Random Rest or Sandbags?




I will post a picture and and details when I get home tonight!



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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by tray999 3/14/2018, 3:33 pm

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

"I use Fiocchi Extrema XTP 32ACP 60 gain in my Pardini HP with great results"

Please elaborate on "Great Results". 1" ten shot groups at 50 yards? 2", 3"?

How did you test the ammo? Random Rest or Sandbags?




I tested the Hornady 32ACP XTP and the Fiocchi 32ACP XTP factory loads and I got better accuracy from the Fiocchi at both the 25 and 50 yard lines. 
The below image was shot at 25 yards slow fire one hand.   I have shot at 50 yards with very similar results.   Although I do not have a picture, I shot 189/200 last time out and misses are on me not the ammo or gun......  I have the 5" Pardini HP, but they have since come out with the 6" barrel for the HP.    So for my HP, the Fiocchi factory load shot better.   When it warms up a little, I will break out the chronograph and check what velocities and deviations I am getting.

Hoped it helped.

Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 <a href=Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 40030833742_20795a430a_bIMG_0273-2 by james tracy, on Flickr" />

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Dr.Don 3/14/2018, 4:19 pm

I ordered 2 boxes of the Fiochi 32acp Extema 60XTP's from Target Sports.  They screwed up and sent the Fiochi "Pistol Shooting Dynamics" 60gr JHP.  These are definitely not XTP's; you can tell by looking at them.  Furthermore, they are seated so long they won't go in a Pardini magazine.  Too much hassle to send them back, so I'm going to re-seat them to a more normal length and see how they do.

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by troystaten 3/14/2018, 6:11 pm

Very nice James, sure looks like both you and the gun can shoot.


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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by Chris Miceli 3/14/2018, 6:29 pm

tray999 wrote:
fc60 wrote:Greetings,

"I use Fiocchi Extrema XTP 32ACP 60 gain in my Pardini HP with great results"

Please elaborate on "Great Results". 1" ten shot groups at 50 yards? 2", 3"?

How did you test the ammo? Random Rest or Sandbags?




I tested the Hornady 32ACP XTP and the Fiocchi 32ACP XTP factory loads and I got better accuracy from the Fiocchi at both the 25 and 50 yard lines. 
The below image was shot at 25 yards slow fire one hand.   I have shot at 50 yards with very similar results.   Although I do not have a picture, I shot 189/200 last time out and misses are on me not the ammo or gun......  I have the 5" Pardini HP, but they have since come out with the 6" barrel for the HP.    So for my HP, the Fiocchi factory load shot better.   When it warms up a little, I will break out the chronograph and check what velocities and deviations I am getting.

Hoped it helped.

Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 <a href=Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 40030833742_20795a430a_bIMG_0273-2 by james tracy, on Flickr" />
larger than 10ring group? id throw that ammo in the garbage pile

Chris Miceli

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by tray999 3/14/2018, 8:04 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:
tray999 wrote:
fc60 wrote:Greetings,

"I use Fiocchi Extrema XTP 32ACP 60 gain in my Pardini HP with great results"

Please elaborate on "Great Results". 1" ten shot groups at 50 yards? 2", 3"?

How did you test the ammo? Random Rest or Sandbags?




I tested the Hornady 32ACP XTP and the Fiocchi 32ACP XTP factory loads and I got better accuracy from the Fiocchi at both the 25 and 50 yard lines. 
The below image was shot at 25 yards slow fire one hand.   I have shot at 50 yards with very similar results.   Although I do not have a picture, I shot 189/200 last time out and misses are on me not the ammo or gun......  I have the 5" Pardini HP, but they have since come out with the 6" barrel for the HP.    So for my HP, the Fiocchi factory load shot better.   When it warms up a little, I will break out the chronograph and check what velocities and deviations I am getting.

Hoped it helped.

Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 <a href=Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 40030833742_20795a430a_bIMG_0273-2 by james tracy, on Flickr" />
larger than 10ring group? id throw that ammo in the garbage pile

I guess you missed the I shot one handed not off a bench.....  That me, not the ammo....  I now know better than to respond to a thread.

Last edited by tray999 on 3/14/2018, 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sp)

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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

Post by fc60 3/14/2018, 8:44 pm

Greetings tray999,

Compliments on fine off hand shooting.

However, are we testing the ammo, your ability to hold, or both?

With the Random Rest you remove a lot of human variables.

A barrel tester generally offers repeatable results revealing the accuracy of the ammunition. (I have found that my sandbag groups are hard to distinguish from the barrel tester results when I used a 7X scope at 50 yards.)

Many thanks for your contribution.

I look forward to the chronograph data.



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Please educate me about 32ACP - Page 2 Empty Re: Please educate me about 32ACP

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