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Starline Brass

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Starline Brass Empty Starline Brass

Post by Allen Barnett 3/7/2018, 4:08 pm

FYI Midway USA has all Starline brass on sale for 10% off.  In case you are not aware Starline is now making several rifle calibers also along with their pistol stuff.

Allen Barnett

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Starline Brass Empty Re: Starline Brass

Post by Bullseye_Stan 3/7/2018, 6:25 pm

I think most will figure this out, but it's good to look at the Starline website to see how much they charge for the same brass.  Shipping is free from Starline, which seems to make several types of pistol brass less expensive than Midway, even with the discount.  Starline is good brass and the above may not apply to rifle calibers.


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Starline Brass Empty Re: Starline Brass

Post by Allen Barnett 3/7/2018, 10:00 pm

I have used some of their rifle brass in 223 Remington and it has been very good for me.  I must admit I am partial to Starline as I only live about 60 miles from their plant and have toured it twice.  Also partial to Sierra as they are located next door to each other in Sedalia, Missouri.  Sierra has a factory outlet store where you can buy discounted factory seconds.  Before anybody sticks their nose up at the idea of factory seconds I have done some side-by-side testing and cannot tell any difference between the two.  I guess I might as well say I am also a fan of Midway USA as they are only 30 miles from me.  I can call in an order and by the time I get there it is ready for pick-up, just have to pay sales tax.

Allen Barnett

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Starline Brass Empty Re: Starline Brass

Post by james r chapman 3/8/2018, 4:23 am

Sierra factory seconds!
When they were located in Santa Fe Springs, Calif, I'd drive over and grab all the 165 gr, .30 cal hpbt's they had.
It was like a candy store...

Good Stuff!!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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