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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi? Empty Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

Post by CO1Mtn 3/8/2018, 1:37 pm

I don't see any EIC pistol matches in Mississippi on the competition tracker

I'm kinda worried about that because I'm probably moving to Mississippi at the end of this year. I'll be in Biloxi, in the south part of the state. Does anyone know if there are some bullseye leagues I can shoot with? Do we have any members there? I used to shoot a lot in Colorado, but then I had to uproot.

I'm seeing a lot of service rifle competitions listed, but there aren't many pistol competitions listed for many of the states. Is that just because it's still winter?


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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi? Empty Re: Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

Post by Dockokol 3/8/2018, 2:13 pm

I know this probably isn't the answer you were looking for but Pensacola is less then 2 hours away, and the Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club has an active Bullseye program.  They are holding a Regional Match in early May and there will be leg matches. 



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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi? Empty Re: Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 3/8/2018, 2:14 pm



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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi? Empty Re: Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

Post by CO1Mtn 3/11/2018, 11:04 am

Thanks for the links!


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Location : Pennsylvania

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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi? Empty Re: Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

Post by AColbe01 9/6/2021, 7:38 pm

Sorry late to the party! See this post is from EARLY!!!! 2018!

IHMSA died pretty well in North and Central Mississippi a few years ago.


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Join date : 2021-09-03
Location : Houston,MS

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Are there EIC matches in Mississippi? Empty Re: Are there EIC matches in Mississippi?

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