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200 Grain LSWC Molds

Jon Eulette
Chris Miceli
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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Tim:H11 Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:40 pm

Those of you who cast their own bullets - specifically 45 caliber 200 grain semi wad cutter - Lee says their bullet is of the H&G 68 style or design. Is the Lyman 200 grain LSWC the same H&G 68 style? Or is it different? Same shape and dimensions?

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Chris Miceli Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:01 pm

Internet search pulled this up 200 Grain LSWC Molds A08ad010
200 Grain LSWC Molds Dc87e110

Chris Miceli

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Wobbley Sun Mar 11, 2018 12:52 am

H&G eventually had two styles of 68.  The 68 proper which is a plain base and the 68BB which is a bevel Base.  SAECO/Redding sell a bevel Base version.  The other makers follow the “intent’ of the design to varying levels. Most of them will shoot if cast well.

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by KenO Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:01 pm

Try Accurate molds, the website is cumbersome, here is the page for the H&G 68 clone, and he has both flat base and beveled200 Grain LSWC Molds Catalog http://www.accuratemolds.com/catalog.php?page=13  When you order, you punch in the alloy, and size you want it to finish at. Also, what you want it made out of (steel, brass, or aluminum).


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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Wobbley Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:05 pm

Avoid brass.  Unless it’s stress relieved right it can warp.

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Tim:H11 Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:57 pm

I just wanted to know if there were any major differences between the bullet design of a 200 grain semi wad cutter amongst manufacturers. I appreciate your recommendations. But they’re straying from my question.

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Jon Eulette Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:05 am

Yes in most cases they are all slightly different.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Chris Miceli Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:05 am

Tim:H11 wrote:I just wanted to know if there were any major differences between the bullet design of a 200 grain semi wad cutter amongst manufacturers. I appreciate your recommendations. But they’re straying from my question.
i would consider any change to the bullet design a major change. Everyone has the mod design they use. Look at accurate mold you'll see several 200lswc shapes

Chris Miceli

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by USSR Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:16 am

Wobbley wrote:Avoid brass.  Unless it’s stress relieved right it can warp.

Ah, I have more than half a dozen brass moulds, and warping is not a problem.


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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by ric1911a1 Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:48 am

When I was casting, I primarily used a Lyman 200 grain 452460. It is different than the H&G 68.

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by STEVE SAMELAK Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:43 am

Wobbley wrote:Avoid brass.  Unless it’s stress relieved right it can warp.

If the mold maker has enough experience to machine the mold, they probably know a little bit of metallurgy to go along with the machining expertise.
You don't stay in a precision field for long if don't produce a good product.

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by 243winxb Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:41 am

There  is/was  5 or more different 68 designs.  http://www.hensleygibbs.com/casting/hgmoldchart.htm

Just buy the Lyman 200 gr lswc BB .

You will have to wipe lube off the bevel area, after sizing in a Lyman 450 lube sizer.

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200 Grain LSWC Molds Empty Re: 200 Grain LSWC Molds

Post by Dave C. Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:43 pm

I have two 8 cavity H&G #68 molds that cast two different bullets.  The lube ring is in different locations.  They both shoot tiny groups at 50 yds.

Dave C.
Dave C.

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