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Gas-Operated 1911

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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Boxturtle 3/18/2018, 8:39 am

Have any of you looked into this:  http://www.betterfirearmsdesign.com/

There's not enough information on the web site to judge.  It's interesting, and I'd like to know more.  I've written them, and if I get a meaningful response, I'll share.  In the meantime, if you know more, please do dell.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by mpolans 3/18/2018, 8:52 am

Haven't heard of them, but sounds interesting.  The website sucks though.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Amati 3/18/2018, 10:11 am

It is for real. 

Clifford Benjamin has been building these since 2000 and he can supply a frame with uppers in  .22lr,  .32acp, .32S&W, .380 acp, .38Special WC., 45acp  etc. etc.

He might be visiting the Dixie Match - NRA 2700 Regional Championship on April 13-15 at the Gateway Range in Jacksonville FL. If so, I'll be trying one for sure.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by davekp 3/19/2018, 7:38 am

Back in the 70's I remember seeing a Colt design. Very strange, with a sort of ring around the barrel.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by PMcfall 3/19/2018, 9:35 am

Wasn't Ed Masaki's dragon pistol a gas operated 1911?

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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/19/2018, 10:04 am

Not really, my limited knowledge and handling of that little piece of art showed it to be more of a blowback/fixed barrel with lots of ports to vent off pressure.  Probably shot my best group ever with it (tried reeeealy hard not to waste the opportunity & Mr. Masaki's time).

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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Dcforman 3/19/2018, 10:24 am

So, the website doesn't really make it clear. What exactly is he trying to do? Sell the design to a manufacturer? Is he actually selling anything?



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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Saladman 3/19/2018, 8:21 pm

Seems like this could easily be mistaken for a Nelson/Marvel conversion setup which could lead to some shenanigans.   Laughing


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Amati 3/20/2018, 12:10 am

Stop the lower video at 0:15 of 1:27 and "look" at the components. Nothing like a Marvel/Nelson, not even close.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Saladman 3/20/2018, 12:51 am

I'm not sure where you're looking but the frame and barrel appear to actually (aside from the gas system) have the same overall profile as a Marvel style conversion where the slide is sort of cut in half but has a section the goes forward underneath the barrel.

Anyway, I would love to try one but I wonder about the price.  I'll inquire about it and post back.

Gas-Operated 1911 Gunpic


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Amati 3/20/2018, 1:53 am

Go to YouTube here:


Clearly shown at 0:15 of 1:27, no doubt whatsoever.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

Post by Saladman 3/20/2018, 1:56 am

Weird, it looks like there are two versions of it.


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Gas-Operated 1911 Empty Re: Gas-Operated 1911

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