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Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier

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Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier Empty Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier

Post by GaryWWhite Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:38 am

I have a new Mod 41 S&W and can't see the front sight very easily at all due to it being black.  I'm almost 68 and have pretty good vision but not near as well as I would need to compete without doing something to the front sight so I can see it.  I'm certain that this is a common problem but I could not find this doing a search on line.  I would appreciate your feedback as to what I can do to the front sight to make it more visible.  I have heard using a fluorescent paint from Testors might be helpful?  I don't want to have to put a red dot on the gun unless absolutely necessary. BTW, I am completely new to bullseye shooting.


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Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier Empty Re: Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier

Post by hp246 Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:06 am

As my eyes have gotten older, I've had the same problem.  I don't think the problem is so much because of the black sight as it is because the light appears dimmer and the sights blur due to aging.  I've gone to a adjustable iris on my shooting glasses when I shoot iron sights.  The dot allows me to use my standard prescriptions lens.


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Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier Empty Re: Being Able to see the Front Sight Easier

Post by Mike38 Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:23 am



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