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As the worm turns

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As the worm turns Empty As the worm turns

Post by brassmaster 3/24/2018, 5:20 pm

It was just a few years ago that I stood in the Sunday afternoon line stretching from Champion's Choice to the last building on the North end of Commercial Row at Camp Perry hoping that CCI SV .22 ammo supply would hold out until I got to the front of the line for my purchase. Mr. Petersen opened the shop and announced that, "CCI would be limited to one(1) case per customer at $425/case, plus state & local sales tax totaling $456.84. If some of you need ammunition for your junior shooting programs, sorry, but the one case limit holds."
CCI SV listings on Gunbroker and other scarce supply sources created a seller's market, creating outrageous pricing and name your price and someone would pay it.
Fast forward to today and it is readily available at $229-259.00. Now, CCI has a promotion that will give you a free 2nd Amendment tee shirt or ammo/gear bag or both depending on the amount spent on their ammo as an added incentive. As of 8:00 EST, Midway had CCI SV in stock at $233.99.


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http://www.whitehorsecenter.org, click on Brassmasters

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As the worm turns Empty Re: As the worm turns

Post by Mike38 3/24/2018, 6:38 pm

Does this apply only to purchases from Midway? I just bought a case of CCI-SV from Target Sports.

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As the worm turns Empty Re: As the worm turns

Post by fpk 3/24/2018, 6:43 pm

Mike38 wrote:Does this apply only to purchases from Midway? I just bought a case of CCI-SV from Target Sports.
That promo is available directly from the CCI site: http://www.cci-ammunition.com/downloads/OT1089_2ndAmendmentPromo_Ammo_web.pdf

I'm printing so I can get my free stuff from the TargetSportsUSA order as well. Thanks!


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As the worm turns Empty Re: As the worm turns

Post by cdrt 3/24/2018, 7:51 pm

Thanks for the info.  I just got a case from Midway, so I'm sending in the form, etc.

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As the worm turns Empty Re: As the worm turns

Post by USSR 3/25/2018, 1:58 pm

So, I got to thinking, I ordered 5,000 rounds of CCI SV ammo about 6 or 8 weeks ago.   Had to check my emails to see if it was before or after February 1 in order to qualify for this freebie.   Low and behold, I placed my order on February 1st.   Thanks brassmaster.


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As the worm turns Empty Re: As the worm turns

Post by Jwhelan939 3/25/2018, 4:03 pm

Thank you! I bought a case January 25, so I missed it... But luckily I also bought one on February 5th! I filled out the forms today. I had no idea they had a refund going on.


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