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Pardini 32 brass ejection

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Pardini 32 brass ejection Empty Pardini 32 brass ejection

Post by Dr.Don Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:02 pm

I recently starting using a Pardini HP in 32 acp.  Seems like a great gun, and trigger is terrific.  But this is the only gun I have ever owned that ejects almost all of its brass well forward.  Most of my training is done on an indoor range with target trolleys, and no one ever goes forward of the line, i.e. the firing line is never closed down.  Because so much brass is winding up so far forward I can't reach it with the brass sweepers, I typically come home from each session with only 40-50% of the brass I fired.  Over the long haul this will get expensive.  The Pardini ejector is on the magazine.  Has anyone come up with a way to get it to eject more sideways like most other autos?  And yes I've thought of a brass catcher but I'm not sure it would work on this range.

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Pardini 32 brass ejection Empty Re: Pardini 32 brass ejection

Post by joy2shoot Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:21 pm

I use a CMM brass catcher positioned as far forward on the bench as I can and I stand back a little more from the firing line than I do with my .22 and .45.  You can get bench clamps from CMM for their brass catcher, and that sometimes allows the brass catcher to be positioned further but that really depends on the bench.  I have not tried to adjust the ejector as I would probably just screw things up.


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Pardini 32 brass ejection Empty Re: Pardini 32 brass ejection

Post by Ghillieman Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:09 am

Hi Don,

The mags were designed for the 32 S&W Long, which has a slightly larger rim dimension as compared to the 32 Auto. It sounds like maybe the 32 Auto case being ejected is pivoting on the extractor and bouncing off the ejection port in a forward direction. You might try bending the ejector inwards a few thousandths at a time to see if that will make it eject like you want.
My Pardini HP 32 S&W Long ejects perfectly perpendicular.

Btw, are you coming to the state outdoor championship in Midland?

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