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Mount Ultradot on Smith 52

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Mount Ultradot on Smith 52 Empty Mount Ultradot on Smith 52

Post by lanjo 4/5/2018, 10:36 pm

Hi All,

I have a model 52-2 which I would like to use in the center fire stages. I am looking into options for mounting a ultradot on the pistol. I hear BME Mounts has the best options.  I like their ultradot LT mount. I have not been able to get them to return my phone calls or email.  I don't think they are in business anymore. What are some other sellers of a red dot mount for the M52.  I would prefer to not have to drill into the slide.

If anyone has a used BME ultradot LT mount they would like to sell I would be all ears.




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Location : Richmond, VA

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Mount Ultradot on Smith 52 Empty Re: Mount Ultradot on Smith 52

Post by tomd999 4/19/2018, 7:26 pm


I'm pretty sure John is still making mounts, I understand it's a sideline for him, not a full time business and he has been known to take trips and go on cruses to warm tropical isles during the long, cold NH winters.  I've always had the best luck with Email.

The 2 emails I have for him are:
bme@ne.twcbc.com (most recent)

Here is his original contact info from his first web site:
J. Chernick
PO Box 1079
Intervale, NH 03845-1079
Tel: 603-356-6580
Fax: 603-356-5292
email: bme-bca@rcn.com


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Join date : 2017-02-26

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Mount Ultradot on Smith 52 Empty Re: Mount Ultradot on Smith 52

Post by Multiracer 4/19/2018, 8:08 pm


I just received my BME mount not too long ago.
It fits well and works just fine. The adjustment range is perfect.


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