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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by pgg 4/15/2018, 10:58 am

I have a new Springfield RO and the trigger is terrible.

About 3/4 of the time there's a lurch and a catch just before it breaks. Not really sure how to describe it, except awful. The difference in weight between a catch and a no-catch pull is substantial.



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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by AllAces 4/15/2018, 2:19 pm

A couple of options : send it to Dave Salyer, or order a drop in roll trigger from K.C. Crawford.

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by WillH 4/15/2018, 2:49 pm

I second the KC roll trigger kit.  I have a SARO as well.  I was able to install it myself and it didn't require any fitting.  That along with a Cylinder and Slide reduced power mainspring (from Midway) resulted in 3.5# pull with a little roll which is what I was after.  KC offers 3 styles and mine is the Battle Axe.  The parts shipped quickly and were of high quality.

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by pgg 4/15/2018, 4:03 pm

Thanks -

I just emailed KC for more information and got a reply already ... going to order a roll kit from him.


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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by pgg 4/15/2018, 4:22 pm

WillH wrote:That along with a Cylinder and Slide reduced power mainspring (from Midway) resulted in 3.5# pull with a little roll which is what I was after.

Do you mean this part, their light pull sear spring?



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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by WillH 4/15/2018, 6:23 pm

Yes, that's the one - my terminology was off - meant sear spring.  I think we are neighbors over in Hampton Roads so let me know if I can help.  There's some good info on Youtube on the SARO for take down and re-assembly that helped me quite a bit.

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by SW-52 4/15/2018, 6:38 pm

Kc roll hands down!!!

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by pgg 4/15/2018, 7:00 pm

WillH wrote:Yes, that's the one - my terminology was off - meant sear spring.  I think we are neighbors over in Hampton Roads so let me know if I can help.  There's some good info on Youtube on the SARO for take down and re-assembly that helped me quite a bit.

Thanks -

I've made it to about 1/2 of the NCRR Tuesday bullseye matches this year. If you go to those, we may have run into each other. I'm the really tall newbie who's aaaaaaaalmost able to keep all his shots on paper.

I ordered a KC roll kit. Hopefully I'll get it installed in time to be leg meat at the Navy matches next month. Smile


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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by WillH 4/15/2018, 7:55 pm

That's cool - I started going to NCRR BE league a couple of weeks ago - I'll keep an eye out for ya.   I think you'll like the trigger kit and the sear spring combo.

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by Bullseye_Stan 4/16/2018, 6:00 am

FWIW, David Sams is located about 1/2 way between Richmond and Charlottesville.  That's about a 2-1/2 hour drive from Norfolk (depending on traffic).  Not exactly close, or in Norfolk, but within reach. 

I'm thinking about getting the KC roll trigger.  I've got a Cylinder and Slide drop in ultramatch set (3.5#) that works as advertised.  That C&S kit included the hammer, sear, disconnector, sear spring (lightened) and mainspring (18#).  It seems many BE shooters use the KC kit and are happy - which is why I'm thinking about it.

I'm also a BE league shooter at NCRR on Tuesdays.  Hopefully, I'll see you guys there sometime!

Edit: David Sams website http://www.samscustomgunworksusa.com/


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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by pgg 4/18/2018, 1:04 pm

Ordered the KC trigger Sunday, delivered today, installed just now with the help of YouTube.

1000x better than the stock trigger. If I didn't have to go to work right now, I'd be off to the range with it. Smile

Thank you all for suggesting KC.

Will - nice meeting you at NCRR last night!


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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

Post by WillH 4/18/2018, 4:16 pm

That's great!  Great job installing that - you saved a ton (and time) doing that yourself.  A better result than a custom smith since a smith would work the existing parts which are MIM.  Nothing wrong with MIM but those forged parts will last a lot longer. It will get even better after it wears in some.  It was nice meeting you as well!

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Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area? Empty Re: Can someone recommend a smith for a 1911 trigger job in the Norfolk VA area?

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