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Changing your date setting for posts if you have an older account

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Changing your date setting for posts if you have an older account Empty Changing your date setting for posts if you have an older account

Post by willnewton 4/18/2018, 11:29 pm

Hi everyone, we just had a question asked off forum about how the dates are displayed on forum posts and could they be changed to give more info because the year was not displayed for them.

Yes, it can be changed.  Just go to your profile, then preferences, then scroll to the bottom of the page.  You can select from many date formats there.

Newer users may not have this issue, as the forum default has been set to display month, date, year, and time.  There was probably a software update that changed or added a new default date view and older accounts did not get changed retroactively.

The new default date setting may have missed you if you have an older account.  No worries, it is not something you think to check on and the fix is simple.  

Recent posts will still say "Today" or "Yesterday", but older posts will show the new setting.

Thanks folks

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Changing your date setting for posts if you have an older account Empty Re: Changing your date setting for posts if you have an older account

Post by Jack H 4/18/2018, 11:47 pm

Thanks Will

Sometimes it pays to ask questions.
Jack H
Jack H

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Age : 75
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