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Adding a red dot to a 208s

BE Mike
Jack H
Chris Miceli
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Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Empty Adding a red dot to a 208s

Post by 285wannab 4/29/2018, 10:06 am

First topic message reminder :

I am looking to add a red dot to my 208s.  I thought I would be clever and JB Weld a base on the top of my barrel.  I was thinking a couple of small dabs would do it.  Luckily I thought a little more about it before I tried it.  What I figured out is that I wouldn't be able to remove the slide easily.  Disaster diverted.
So options are use the front mounting base that Larry's sells.  Have a couple holes drilled and tapped and mount the base to the barrel.   Or have someone mill a dovetail into the barrel that would except rings.
I am thinking that Larry's mount throws off the balance of the gun.   
Would like to have dovetail and eliminate a base.  But thinking I could only use rings and not something like an Aimpoint base.
I am thinking my best option is to have it drilled and tapped to add a base.  I bought this gun used and it is in good shape but not a safe queen.
What has everyone else done?


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Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Empty Re: Adding a red dot to a 208s

Post by Jon Eulette 5/2/2018, 6:32 pm

Back in the day I  used to shoot 208 with a mount that was on the front Barrel weight. I made it myself. The scope cantilevered backwards. I would pull it off to shoot international and put it back on to shoot BE. Zero was always good enough to shoot 890s :-) 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Empty Re: Adding a red dot to a 208s

Post by Ed Hall 5/2/2018, 10:45 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:Back in the day I  used to shoot 208 with a mount that was on the front Barrel weight. I made it myself. The scope cantilevered backwards. I would pull it off to shoot international and put it back on to shoot BE. Zero was always good enough to shoot 890s :-) 
Although, not the regular 890s, I was regularly shooting 880s for a while and doing the same, pulling off the scope and shooting International Rapid Fire with mine.  One time I left the scope off and went to my Bullseye league night and, wouldn't you know it, I shot a 10x Rapid Fire target at 50 ft.  I wondered for a while why I would want to put the scope back on.  But, I do have a similar 10x Rapid that I shot with the scope.  I try to keep those in my gun box and look at them from time to time, remembering those days.  Darn, seems like ages ago...

Ed Hall

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Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Empty What grips on this 208?

Post by hammerli 5/25/2020, 1:58 am

Chris Miceli wrote:
willnewton wrote:I have a Larry’s gun mount on my 215.  My opinion is that the weight forward is balanced by the scope in the rear.  The pistol feels solid and pleasant, and balances just in front of the trigger with my MDII.

The mount is aluminum, so is not that heavy.  The whole pistol weighs just a bit more than my scoped 1911s.  Recoil is practically non-existent.  Follow up shots are low effort as far as getting the dot back to your aiming area.

I shot the 215 with just irons for a while and immediately fabricated a nose weight, as I missed the added mass of the scope and mount.

Plus, it looks cool, which adds tens points.

What grips are you using on this 208? Custom made I guess

Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Ea96ff10
sweet gun, minus the arched mainspring =]


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Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Empty Re: Adding a red dot to a 208s

Post by Jack H 5/25/2020, 4:19 am

22 rail by Roddy

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Adding a red dot to a 208s - Page 2 Magnet11
Jack H
Jack H

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