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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by Slartybartfast 4/30/2018, 10:06 am

Might be crazy buying this over the net from across the country, but for better or for worse I'm now waiting for the authorities to authorise the transfer and for the seller to mail it to me.
One bolt action, single shot, Drulov model 75.
Original box, factory test target, manual all included.
Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Attachment
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Join date : 2016-11-11
Age : 53
Location : Montreal, Québec

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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Re: Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by Wobbley 4/30/2018, 10:26 am

Looks like a decent free-pistol trainer. Good luck wit it.

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Join date : 2015-02-12

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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Re: Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by desben 4/30/2018, 11:27 am

I shot 3 different examples. All were accurate. Two of them had a terrible trigger, heavy and with several steps in their travel ("does the shot break after the 3rd click or 4th? is is cocked? c'mon"). The 3rd however had a wonderfully light (100-200g?) and crisp trigger which to me is an indication of what is possible with some tuning. Don't be afraid to do your own polishing and tuning if things aren't right. The ones I shot had an interesting trigger pad; looked like a screw head.

Joe Salter?

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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Re: Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by Jon Math 4/30/2018, 11:50 am

I started shooting free pistol last season, I wish I had discovered it when I was a young man, if I had to pick one pistol from all of mine it would be my TOZ.

Good luck with yours.
Jon Math
Jon Math

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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Re: Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by Slartybartfast 4/30/2018, 2:22 pm

desben wrote:I shot 3 different examples. All were accurate. Two of them had a terrible trigger, heavy and with several steps in their travel ("does the shot break after the 3rd click or 4th? is is cocked? c'mon"). The 3rd however had a wonderfully light (100-200g?) and crisp trigger which to me is an indication of what is possible with some tuning. Don't be afraid to do your own polishing and tuning if things aren't right. The ones I shot had an interesting trigger pad; looked like a screw head.

Joe Salter?

This is a private sale. Came across the seller on a forum after stumbling across a couple of examples for sale at Tradeex Canada and doing a Google search for"Drulov 75 Canada". Previously passed up on one of these at a gun show because I didn't know what they were and the one in question seemed to have some surface rust and didn't strike me as a great condition.
The seller said it shot well and the trigger was good. So hopefully no steps...

Last edited by Slartybartfast on 4/30/2018, 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 53
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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Re: Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by Slartybartfast 4/30/2018, 2:23 pm

Jon Math wrote:I started shooting free pistol last season, I wish I had discovered it when I was a young man, if I had to pick one pistol from all of mine it would be my TOZ.

Good luck with yours.
Might pick up a "proper" free pistol after trying this one out. I'll just wait till a good opportunity comes around.

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Age : 53
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Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75 Empty Re: Decided to buy a curiosity - Drulov 75

Post by Slartybartfast 5/30/2018, 3:24 pm

Forgot I had started this thread in anticipation of receiving the DruLov on this site and started another (https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t9603-decided-to-buy-a-curiosity-drulov-75).
It has now arrived and I'm very happy with it so far.
Great trigger.

Posts : 694
Join date : 2016-11-11
Age : 53
Location : Montreal, Québec

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