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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Jack H
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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by mikemyers 5/4/2018, 7:19 pm

First topic message reminder :

I've got a small question - maybe someone can advise.  I wasn't even going to ask about it, until I saw the same thing happening to someone else who shows it on his YouTube video about a Dillon press and reloading 38 Special.

For me, everything is now going smoothly.  The only time there is any kind of an "issue" is if/when I get interrupted. I know I don't have to lube the cases, but I'm doing so anyway, as it makes the press easier to operate.  If for any reason I do get interrupted, I always leave the press with the "next" case inserted, and a bullet sitting at the seating station waiting for me to press it in.  (...and if there is anything else going on, I remove all the rounds from the press.)

When I'm loading 45, as I raise the press to crimp a bullet in a case, every so often the case is out of alignment, and the press goes 'clank' and stops.  If I try again, it usually works.  Or, I can reach in and wiggle the case until it lines up.  The frequency is once for every ten or fifteen rounds.  It's just enough to be annoying.  

When I switched the press to 38 Special later in the day, even though the cases are so much longer, this never happened.  I don't have separate seater and crimp dies for 38 yet - need to buy them......     but this problem is apparently only with my 45 rounds.

Late last night, I was watching a YouTube video for my brother - it showed loading 38 Special on a Dillon RL550b.  I noticed this fellow had the same problem: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJt7EZhq_jc         One time it happens is at 21:38 into the video.  There are more.

My 45 crimper die is shown up front in the photo below.  Are these dies available with an "expanded" area at the bottom of the die to guide the case into the die?

(Separate issue - I am ordering several hex nuts for the dies.  The round ones work great on a single station press, but are a pain on a progressive.)

Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Img_8811

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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by Chris Miceli 5/5/2018, 9:33 pm

mikemyers wrote:Very interesting reading...

...one more thing I knew nothing about.

Didn’t your Dillon come with Dillon dies?

Last edited by Chris Miceli on 5/12/2018, 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total

Chris Miceli

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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by Jack H 5/5/2018, 9:43 pm

mikemyers wrote:Very interesting reading...

...one more thing I knew nothing about.
Dillon says this in their catalog

"Radiused Opening Makes Progressive Loading Smoother"
Jack H
Jack H

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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by ruger15151 5/12/2018, 10:06 am

I have mostly all Redding die sets now. I use standard Redding Carbine Dies in my turret press because shell plate alignment is less of an issue, However, I use Redding "PRO" Series Carbide dies in my progressive press because they are tapered at the bottom to allow for the slight alignment issues seen when loading on a progressive press.


It doesn't come with an expander die because most guys either have a custom expander plug like NOE, etc. or use a powder through expander on their progressives because of lack of die stations.

The Redding Crimp die that can be purchased separately is also flared if thats the only die that is causing you issues.


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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by gregbenner 5/12/2018, 10:52 am

Mike, I have absolutely no experience with an RCBS press, but could the issue possible be with the shell plate alignment?  i.e. on the Dillon, the shell plate rotates on ball bearing/spring system and if not adjusted corrected can allow the shell plate to tip slightly causing the brass to hit the top of the die. I used to have a similar type issue loading certain cases on my Dillon.  Another company (Uniquetek) makes a better, more precise shell plate bearing kit which cured the issue for me.  Just a thought.



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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by mikemyers 5/12/2018, 10:55 am

ruger15151 wrote:.......The Redding Crimp die that can be purchased separately is also flared if thats the only die that is causing you issues.
Thanks; too bad the Redding pro series expander die is only for jacketed bullets, not lead.  

Has anyone here tried them for lead?  NOE sounds like the official answer, but I liked what I read about the Redding product.

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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by mikemyers 5/12/2018, 10:58 am

gregbenner wrote:..... could the issue possible be with the shell plate alignment? ......
The tech support people at RCBS are pretty certain that is not the problem.  I suspect either I need to reduce the size of my bell, or get  the Redding die, which I'm already planning on doing.

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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by Chris Miceli 5/12/2018, 11:09 am

in the video @21:38 the problem  is the misalignment from the case going into sizing die. Most likely it was from not sliding the case enough into the shell plate. if you watch the video closely you see it jar a little after inserting the case. The operator moves his hand towards the case debating sliding it in more, but doesn't. Could be caused by a improperly adjusted retaining paperclip or that case happen to have  a smaller rim then the others be it brand, or just tolerances.

Chris Miceli

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Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom?

Post by Jack H 5/12/2018, 11:52 am

Three crimpers  L>R

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Newer RCBS

Do crimping dies come with an expanded area at the bottom? - Page 2 P1010110
Jack H
Jack H

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