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The X-Ring Saves You Money!!!

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The X-Ring Saves You Money!!! Empty The X-Ring Saves You Money!!!

Post by fc60 5/9/2018, 12:09 pm


Perusing my old Gil Hebard catalog of 1957-1958. Inside he lists the current National Records effective 15 Mar 1957.

22 cal 25 yards Timed Fire...
Open    B. Curtis  200X13
Police   Harry Reeves  200+80 10s (Yes, boys and girls, that is a 100 shot Timed Fire)

There are other records of 200+ set by Reeves and others.

I suspect the X-Ring was introduced around 1956 or 1957.

Either to save shooters money or speed up the match.

With National Records, the additional shots are recorded in strings of five. That is, shoot five shots then score. If a possible is fired, repeat until you miss.

My wife got into a shootoff with one of the US Team members back in the 1980's. Very stressful for the shooter.



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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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